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be raised from the dead

  • 1 lazarus raised from the dead

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > lazarus raised from the dead

  • 2 Lazarus (1. A brother of Mary and Martha raised by Jesus from the dead according to the account in John; 2. The diseased beggar in the parable of the rich man and the beggar found in Lk:16)

    Религия: Лазарь

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Lazarus (1. A brother of Mary and Martha raised by Jesus from the dead according to the account in John; 2. The diseased beggar in the parable of the rich man and the beggar found in Lk:16)

  • 3 zombi (Dead person's disembodied soul that is used for magical purposes, or an actual corpse that has been raised from the grave by magical means)

    Религия: зомби

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > zombi (Dead person's disembodied soul that is used for magical purposes, or an actual corpse that has been raised from the grave by magical means)

  • 4 zombie (Dead person's disembodied soul that is used for magical purposes, or an actual corpse that has been raised from the grave by magical means)

    Религия: зомби

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > zombie (Dead person's disembodied soul that is used for magical purposes, or an actual corpse that has been raised from the grave by magical means)

  • 5 dead

    A n
    1 the dead (+ v pl) ( people) les morts mpl ; a monument to the dead un monument aux morts ;
    2 ( death) to rise/be raised from the dead ressusciter/être ressuscité d'entre les morts ;
    3 fig ( depths) at dead of night, in the dead of night en pleine nuit, au cœur de la nuit ; in the dead of winter en plein hiver, au cœur de l'hiver.
    B adj
    1 ( no longer living) [person] mort, décédé ; [animal, tree, flower, leaf, skin] mort ; the dead man/woman le mort/la morte ; a dead body un cadavre ; to drop (down) dead tomber raide mort ; to play dead faire le mort/la morte ; drop dead ! va te faire voir ! ; to shoot sb dead abattre qn ; dead and buried lit, fig mort et enterré ; they're all dead and gone now ils nous ont tous quittés maintenant ; more dead than alive plus mort que vif ; ‘wanted, dead or alive’ ‘recherché, mort ou vif’ ; to leave sb for dead laisser qn pour mort ; to give sb up for dead tenir qn pour mort ; I'm absolutely dead after that walk! ( exhausted) je suis absolument mort après cette marche! ;
    2 ( extinct) [language] mort ; [custom, law] désuet/-ète, tombé en désuétude ; [issue, debate] dépassé ; [cigarette] éteint ; [fire] éteint, mort ; [match] usagé ; are these glasses dead? GB avez-vous fini avec ces verres? ;
    3 (dull, not lively) [place] mort ; [audience] apathique ; the dead season la morte-saison ;
    4 (not functioning, idle) [battery] à plat ; [bank account] dormant ; [capital, money] improductif/-ive, inactif/-ive ; [file] qu'on ne consulte plus ; the phone went dead tout d'un coup il n'y avait plus de tonalité (sur la ligne) ;
    5 ( impervious) to be dead to sth être insensible à qch ;
    6 ( numb) [limb] engourdi ; my arm has gone dead mon bras s'est engourdi ;
    7 ( absolute) a dead calm un calme plat ; dead silence silence de mort ; to be a dead shot être un tireur d'élite ; to come to a dead stop s'arrêter net ; she hit the target in the dead centre elle a atteint la cible en plein milieu.
    C adv surtout GB (absolutely, completely) absolument ; are you dead certain? est-ce que tu es absolument sûr?, est-ce que tu es sûr et certain? ; he was staring dead ahead il regardait droit devant lui ; sail dead ahead navigue droit devant ; dead in the middle of the street en plein milieu de la rue ; to be dead level être parfaitement plat ; to be dead on time être pile à l'heure ; I left (at) dead on six o'clock je suis parti à six heures pile or sonnantes ; it's dead easy ! c'est simple comme bonjour ! ; his shot was dead on target son coup était en plein dans le mille ; they were dead lucky not to get caught! ils ont eu du pot de ne pas se faire prendre! ; dead drunk ivre mort ; dead tired crevé , claqué ; I was dead scared ! j'avais une trouille bleue ! ; you're dead right ! tu as parfaitement raison! ; dead good! génial ! ; ‘dead slow’ Aut ‘roulez au pas’ ; to drive dead slow rouler au pas ; dead straight absolument or tout à fait droit ; to be dead against être totalement opposé à [idea, plan] ; to be dead set on doing être tout à fait décidé à faire ; he's dead on for that job US il est sûr de décrocher ce poste ; you're dead on ! US tu as tout à fait raison! ; to stop dead s'arrêter net ; to cut sb dead snober qn.
    to be dead to the world dormir comme une souche, être dans les bras de Morphée liter ; I wouldn't be seen dead wearing that hat! je ne porterais ce chapeau pour rien au monde! ; I wouldn't be seen dead in a place like that! pour rien au monde je ne voudrais être vu dans un endroit pareil! ; the affair is dead but it won't lie down l'affaire est loin d'être enterrée ; dead men tell no tales Prov les morts ne parlent pas ; the only good traitor is a dead traitor un bon traître est un traître mort ; you do that and you're dead meat ! US tu fais ça et je te tue!

    Big English-French dictionary > dead

  • 6 raise from death

    (raise from death (тж. raise from the dead или raise to life))
    оживить, вернуть к жизни

    The child and her grandfather... passed through a dirty lane into a crowded street, and stood, amid its din and tumult, and in the pouring rain, as strange, bewildered, and confused, as if they had lived a thousand years before, and were raised from the dead and placed there by a miracle. (Ch. Dickens, ‘The Old Curiosity Shop’, ch. XLIII) — Старик и девочка... вышли грязным переулком на людную улицу и стали там под проливным дождем, растерянные, испуганные, всему чуждые, словно они жили тысячу лет назад и теперь, воскреснув из мертвых, как по волшебству перенеслись сюда, в этот шум, гул и грохот.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > raise from death

  • 7 воскрешение Лазаря

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > воскрешение Лазаря

  • 8 raise

    transitive verb
    1) (lift up) heben; erhöhen [Pulsfrequenz, Temperatur, Miete, Gehalt, Kosten]; hochziehen [Rollladen, Fahne, Schultern]; aufziehen [Vorhang]; hochheben [Koffer, Arm, Hand]

    raise one's eyes to heavendie Augen zum Himmel erheben (geh.)

    they raised their voices(in anger) sie od. ihre Stimmen wurden lauter

    war raised its [ugly] head — der Krieg erhob sein [hässliches] Haupt

    2) (set upright, cause to stand up) aufrichten; erheben [Banner]; aufstellen [Fahnenstange, Zaun, Gerüst]

    be raised from the deadvon den Toten [auf]erweckt werden

    3) (build up, construct) errichten [Gebäude, Statue]; erheben [Forderungen, Einwände]; entstehen lassen [Vorurteile]; (introduce) aufwerfen [Frage]; zur Sprache bringen, anschneiden [Thema, Problem]; (utter) erschallen lassen [Ruf, Schrei]
    4) (grow, breed, rear) anbauen [Gemüse, Getreide]; aufziehen [Vieh, [Haus]tiere]; großziehen [Familie, Kinder]
    5) (bring together, procure) aufbringen [Geld, Betrag, Summe]; aufstellen [Armee, Flotte, Truppen]; aufnehmen [Hypothek, Kredit]
    6) (end, cause to end) aufheben, beenden [Belagerung, Blockade]; (remove) aufheben [Embargo, Verbot]

    raise [merry] hell — (coll.) Krach schlagen (ugs.) ( over wegen)

    8) (Math.)

    raise to the fourth powerin die 4. Potenz erheben

    * * *
    [reiz] 1. verb
    1) (to move or lift to a high(er) position: Raise your right hand; Raise the flag.) heben
    2) (to make higher: If you paint your flat, that will raise the value of it considerably; We'll raise that wall about 20 centimetres.) erhöhen
    3) (to grow (crops) or breed (animals) for food: We don't raise pigs on this farm.) züchten
    4) (to rear, bring up (a child): She has raised a large family.) großziehen
    5) (to state (a question, objection etc which one wishes to have discussed): Has anyone in the audience any points they would like to raise?) vorbringen
    6) (to collect; to gather: We'll try to raise money; The revolutionaries managed to raise a small army.) beschaffen
    7) (to cause: His remarks raised a laugh.) hervorrufen
    8) (to cause to rise or appear: The car raised a cloud of dust.) aufwirbeln
    9) (to build (a monument etc): They've raised a statue of Robert Burns / in memory of Robert Burns.) errichten
    10) (to give (a shout etc).) erheben
    11) (to make contact with by radio: I can't raise the mainland.) hereinbekommen
    2. noun
    (an increase in wages or salary: I'm going to ask the boss for a raise.) die Erhöhung
    - academic.ru/118106/raise_someone%27s_hopes">raise someone's hopes
    - raise hell/Cain / the roof
    - raise someone's spirits
    * * *
    I. n AM, AUS (rise) Gehaltserhöhung f, Lohnerhöhung f
    II. vt
    to \raise sth etw heben
    to \raise an anchor einen Anker lichten
    to \raise one's arm/hand/leg den Arm/die Hand/das Bein heben
    to \raise the baton den Taktstock heben
    to \raise the blinds/the window shade die Jalousien/das Springrollo hochziehen
    to \raise one's eyebrows die Augenbrauen hochziehen
    to \raise one's eyes die Augen erheben geh, aufblicken, hochblicken
    to \raise one's fist to sb die Faust gegen jdn erheben
    to \raise a flag/a sail eine Flagge/ein Segel hissen
    to \raise the glass das Glas erheben
    to \raise [up] a ship ein Schiff heben
    to \raise a drawbridge eine Zugbrücke hochziehen
    to \raise the landing gear AVIAT das Fahrgestell einfahren
    3. (rouse)
    to \raise sb jdn [auf]wecken
    to \raise sb from the dead jdn wieder zum Leben erwecken
    4. (stir up)
    to \raise dust Staub aufwirbeln
    to \raise sth etw erhöhen
    press this button to \raise the volume drücken Sie auf diesen Knopf, wenn Sie lauter stellen möchten
    to \raise sb's awareness jds Bewusstsein schärfen
    to \raise public awareness [or consciousness of the masses] das öffentliche Bewusstsein schärfen
    to \raise oneself to one's full height sich akk zu seiner vollen Größe aufrichten
    to \raise the speed limit das Tempolimit erhöhen
    to \raise one's voice seine Stimme erheben; (speak louder) lauter sprechen
    6. (in gambling)
    I'll \raise you ich erhöhe den Einsatz [o [gehe mit und] erhöhe]
    I'll \raise you $50 ich erhöhe Ihren Einsatz um 50 Dollar
    7. MATH
    to \raise sth to the power of ten etw hoch zehn nehmen
    ten \raised to the power of six zehn hoch sechs
    8. (improve)
    to \raise sth etw anheben
    to \raise the morale die Moral heben
    to \raise the quality die Qualität verbessern
    to \raise sb's spirits jdm Mut machen
    to \raise the standard einen höheren Maßstab anlegen
    to \raise the tone esp BRIT ( hum) das Niveau heben
    9. (promote)
    to \raise sb to the peerage jdn in den Adelsstand erheben
    to \raise sb in rank jdn befördern
    10. (arouse)
    to \raise sth etw auslösen
    to \raise a cheer/a laugh/a murmur Jubel/Gelächter/Gemurmel hervorrufen
    the announcement \raised a cheer die Ankündigung wurde mit lautem Jubel begrüßt
    Joe couldn't \raise a laugh in the audience Joe konnte das Publikum nicht zum Lachen bringen
    to \raise a commotion Unruhe verursachen
    to \raise doubts Zweifel aufkommen lassen [o wecken]
    to \raise fears Ängste auslösen [o hervorrufen]
    to \raise havoc ein Chaos anrichten
    this scheme will \raise havoc with the staff dieser Plan wird zu einem Aufruhr unter den Angestellten führen
    to \raise hopes Hoffnungen wecken
    don't \raise your hopes too high mach dir nicht allzu große Hoffnungen
    to \raise a ruckus zu Krawallen [o Ausschreitungen] führen
    to \raise a rumpus ( fam) Krach schlagen fam
    to \raise suspicions Verdacht erregen
    our suspicions were \raised wir schöpften Verdacht
    to \raise welts Striemen hinterlassen
    11. (moot)
    to \raise sth etw vorbringen
    I want to \raise two problems with you ich möchte zwei Probleme mit Ihnen erörtern
    to \raise an issue/a question ein Thema/eine Frage aufwerfen
    to \raise an objection also LAW einen Einwand erheben
    12. (to write out)
    to \raise an invoice eine Rechnung ausstellen
    13. FIN
    to \raise sth etw beschaffen
    to \raise capital/money Kapital/Geld aufbringen [o fam auftreiben]
    to \raise funds for charities Spenden für wohltätige Zwecke sammeln
    14. ( form: erect)
    to \raise a building/a monument ein Gebäude/ein Monument errichten
    15. (bring up)
    to \raise children Kinder aufziehen [o großziehen]
    she was \raised by her grandparents sie wuchs bei ihren Großeltern auf
    16. esp AM
    to \raise animals (breed) Tiere züchten; (look after) Tiere aufziehen
    to \raise an animal by hand ein Tier mit der Flasche aufziehen
    to \raise livestock Vieh züchten, Viehzucht betreiben
    17. AGR
    to \raise sth crops etw anbauen
    18. (end)
    to \raise an embargo/sanctions/the siege ein Embargo/Sanktionen/die Belagerung aufheben
    to \raise sb (by telephone) jdn [telefonisch] erreichen; (by radio) jdn [über Funk] erreichen
    to \raise Cain [or hell] ( fam) Krach schlagen fam
    to \raise eyebrows einiges Erstaunen hervorrufen
    to \raise the roof ausrasten sl
    the audience \raised the roof das Publikum tobte vor Begeisterung
    * * *
    1. vt
    1) (= lift) object, arm, head heben; blinds, eyebrow hochziehen; (THEAT) curtain hochziehen; (NAUT) anchor lichten; sunken ship heben; (MED) blister bilden

    to raise sb's/one's hopes — jdm/sich Hoffnung machen

    to raise the roof (fig) (with noise) — das Haus zum Beben bringen; (with approval) in Begeisterungsstürme ausbrechen; (with anger) fürchterlich toben

    the Opposition raised the roof at the Government's proposals — die Opposition buhte gewaltig, als sie die Vorschläge der Regierung hörte

    2) (in height) (by um) wall, ceiling erhöhen; level anheben
    3) (= increase) (to auf +acc) erhöhen; price erhöhen, anheben; limit, standard anheben, heraufsetzen
    4) (= promote) (er)heben (to in +acc)peerage
    5) (= build, erect) statue, building errichten
    6) (= create, evoke) problem, difficulty schaffen, aufwerfen; question aufwerfen, vorbringen; objection erheben; suspicion, hope (er)wecken; spirits, ghosts (herauf)beschwören; mutiny anzetteln

    to raise a cheer (in others) — Beifall ernten; (oneself) Beifall spenden

    to raise a smile (in others) — ein Lächeln hervorrufen; (oneself) lächeln

    7) (= grow, breed) children aufziehen, großziehen; animals aufziehen; crops anbauen
    8) (= get together) army auf die Beine stellen, aufstellen; taxes erheben; funds, money aufbringen, auftreiben; loan, mortgage aufnehmen
    9) (= end) siege, embargo aufheben, beenden
    10) (CARDS) erhöhen
    11) (TELEC: contact) Funkkontakt m aufnehmen mit
    12) (MATH)

    to raise a number to the power of 2/3 etc — eine Zahl in die zweite/dritte etc Potenz erheben

    2. n
    1) (esp US) (in salary) Gehaltserhöhung f; (in wages) Lohnerhöhung f
    2) (CARDS) Erhöhung f
    * * *
    raise [reız]
    A v/t
    1. oft raise up (in die Höhe) heben, auf-, empor-, hoch-, erheben, (mit einem Kran etc) hochwinden, -ziehen, den Vorhang etc hochziehen, ein gesunkenes Schiff etc heben:
    raise one’s eyes die Augen erheben, aufblicken;
    raise one’s ( oder a) glass to sb das Glas auf jemanden erheben;
    raise one’s hat den Hut ziehen ( to sb vor jemandem; a. fig) oder lüften;
    raise one’s hopes too high sich zu große Hoffnungen machen; elbow A 1, eyebrow, power A 14
    2. aufrichten:
    raise a ladder eine Leiter aufstellen
    3. (auf)wecken:
    raise from the dead von den Toten (auf)erwecken
    4. einen Geist beschwören, zitieren: Cain, hell A 1, etc
    5. a) einen Sturm der Entrüstung, ein Lächeln etc hervorrufen:
    raise a laugh Gelächter ernten
    b) Erwartungen etc (er)wecken:
    raise sb’s hopes in jemandem Hoffnung erwecken;
    raise a suspicion Verdacht erregen
    c) ein Gerücht etc aufkommen lassen
    d) Schwierigkeiten machen
    6. Blasen ziehen
    7. Staub etc aufwirbeln: dust A 2
    8. eine Frage aufwerfen, etwas zur Sprache bringen
    9. a) einen Anspruch erheben, geltend machen, eine Forderung stellen
    b) Einspruch erheben, einen Einwand geltend machen, vorbringen, Zweifel anmelden
    c) JUR Klage erheben ( with bei)
    10. Kohle etc fördern
    11. a) Tiere züchten
    b) Pflanzen ziehen, anbauen
    12. a) eine Familie gründen
    b) Kinder auf-, großziehen
    13. ein Haus etc errichten, erstellen, (er)bauen, einen Damm aufschütten
    14. a) seine Stimme erheben ( against gegen):
    voices have been raised es sind Stimmen laut geworden
    b) ein Geschrei erheben
    15. a) raise one’s voice die Stimme erheben, lauter sprechen
    b) raise one’s voice to sb jemanden anschreien
    16. ein Lied anstimmen
    17. (im Rang) erheben:
    raise to the throne auf den Thron erheben
    18. sozial etc heben: crowd1 A 2
    19. beleben, anregen:
    raise the morale die Moral heben
    20. verstärken, -größern, -mehren:
    raise sb’s fame jemandes Ruhm vermehren
    21. das Tempo etc erhöhen, steigern
    22. Löhne, Preise, den Wert etc erhöhen, hinaufsetzen: sight A 9, stake2 A 1
    23. den Preis oder Wert erhöhen von (oder gen)
    24. a) jemanden aufwiegeln ( against gegen)
    b) einen Aufruhr etc anstiften, anzetteln
    25. Steuern erheben
    26. eine Anleihe, eine Hypothek, einen Kredit aufnehmen, Kapital beschaffen
    27. a) Geld sammeln, zusammenbringen, beschaffen
    b) eine Geldsumme erbringen (Aufruf etc)
    28. ein Heer aufstellen
    29. Farbe (beim Färben) aufhellen
    30. Teig, Brot gehen lassen, treiben:
    raised pastry Hefegebäck n
    31. Tuch (auf)rauen
    32. besonders US einen Scheck etc durch Eintragung einer höheren Summe fälschen
    33. a) eine Belagerung, Blockade, auch ein Verbot etc aufheben
    b) die Aufhebung einer Belagerung erzwingen
    34. SCHIFF Land etc sichten
    35. (im Sprechfunk) reinkriegen umg
    B v/i Poker etc: den Einsatz erhöhen
    C s
    1. Erhöhung f
    2. US Steigung f (einer Straße etc)
    3. besonders US Lohn- oder Gehaltserhöhung f
    * * *
    transitive verb
    1) (lift up) heben; erhöhen [Pulsfrequenz, Temperatur, Miete, Gehalt, Kosten]; hochziehen [Rollladen, Fahne, Schultern]; aufziehen [Vorhang]; hochheben [Koffer, Arm, Hand]

    they raised their voices (in anger) sie od. ihre Stimmen wurden lauter

    war raised its [ugly] head — der Krieg erhob sein [hässliches] Haupt

    2) (set upright, cause to stand up) aufrichten; erheben [Banner]; aufstellen [Fahnenstange, Zaun, Gerüst]

    be raised from the dead — von den Toten [auf]erweckt werden

    3) (build up, construct) errichten [Gebäude, Statue]; erheben [Forderungen, Einwände]; entstehen lassen [Vorurteile]; (introduce) aufwerfen [Frage]; zur Sprache bringen, anschneiden [Thema, Problem]; (utter) erschallen lassen [Ruf, Schrei]
    4) (grow, breed, rear) anbauen [Gemüse, Getreide]; aufziehen [Vieh, [Haus]tiere]; großziehen [Familie, Kinder]
    5) (bring together, procure) aufbringen [Geld, Betrag, Summe]; aufstellen [Armee, Flotte, Truppen]; aufnehmen [Hypothek, Kredit]
    6) (end, cause to end) aufheben, beenden [Belagerung, Blockade]; (remove) aufheben [Embargo, Verbot]

    raise [merry] hell — (coll.) Krach schlagen (ugs.) ( over wegen)

    8) (Math.)

    raise to the fourth power — in die 4. Potenz erheben

    * * *
    (US) n.
    Gehaltszulage f. n.
    Erhöhung -en f. (children) v.
    großziehen v. v.
    anheben v.
    aufsteigen v.
    aufstocken v.
    aufziehen v.
    erheben v.
    heranziehen v.
    hochheben v.
    verteuern v.
    verursachen v.

    English-german dictionary > raise

  • 9 raise

    1. verb
    1) (to move or lift to a high(er) position: Raise your right hand; Raise the flag.) levantar
    2) (to make higher: If you paint your flat, that will raise the value of it considerably; We'll raise that wall about 20 centimetres.) subir, elevar
    3) (to grow (crops) or breed (animals) for food: We don't raise pigs on this farm.) cultivar; criar
    4) (to rear, bring up (a child): She has raised a large family.) criar
    5) (to state (a question, objection etc which one wishes to have discussed): Has anyone in the audience any points they would like to raise?) plantear
    6) (to collect; to gather: We'll try to raise money; The revolutionaries managed to raise a small army.) recaudar; reunir
    7) (to cause: His remarks raised a laugh.) provocar
    8) (to cause to rise or appear: The car raised a cloud of dust.) levantar
    9) (to build (a monument etc): They've raised a statue of Robert Burns / in memory of Robert Burns.) levantar, erigir
    10) (to give (a shout etc).) exclamar
    11) (to make contact with by radio: I can't raise the mainland.) comunicarse (con)

    2. noun
    (an increase in wages or salary: I'm going to ask the boss for a raise.) aumento
    - raise hell/Cain / the roof
    - raise someone's spirits

    raise vb
    1. levantar
    if you know the answer, raise your hand si sabes la respuesta, levanta la mano
    2. aumentar / subir
    1 (lift up) levantar
    3 (build, erect) erigir, levantar
    4 (increase) subir, aumentar
    5 (improve) mejorar
    6 (laugh, smile, etc) provocar; (doubt, fear) suscitar
    7 (children) criar, educar; (animals) criar
    8 (matter, point) plantear
    9 (funds) recaudar; (enough money) conseguir, reunir; (team, army) formar
    they raised £20,000 for the new church recaudaron veinte mil libras para la nueva iglesia
    10 (by radio) comunicar con
    11 (at cards) subir
    1 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL aumento de sueldo
    raise ['reɪz] vt, raised ; raising
    1) lift: levantar, subir, alzar
    to raise one's spirits: levantarle el ánimo a alguien
    2) erect: levantar, erigir
    3) collect: recaudar
    to raise money: recaudar dinero
    4) rear: criar
    to raise one's children: criar uno a sus niños
    5) grow: cultivar
    6) increase: aumentar, subir
    7) promote: ascender
    8) provoke: provocar
    it raised a laugh: provocó una risa
    9) bring up: sacar (temas, objeciones, etc.)
    : aumento m
    aumento s.m.
    bonificación s.f.
    subida s.f.
    alzar v.
    criar v.
    elevar v.
    enriscar v.
    erguir v.
    erigir v.
    levantar v.
    realzar v.
    resucitar v.
    sacar a flote v.
    soliviar v.
    subir v.

    I reɪz
    a) ( move upwards) \<\<head/hand\>\> levantar, alzar*; \<\<eyebrows\>\> arquear; \<\<blind/window\>\> subir; \<\<flag\>\> izar*
    b) ( make higher) \<\<shelf/level/hem\>\> subir
    a) ( set upright) levantar
    b) ( erect) \<\<monument/building\>\> levantar, erigir* (frml)
    a) \<\<pressure/temperature\>\> aumentar, elevar; \<\<price/salary/volume\>\> subir, aumentar

    to raise the school leaving age — extender* la escolaridad obligatoria

    b) \<\<consciousness\>\> aumentar, acrecentar*; \<\<standing/reputation\>\> aumentar
    5) ( promote)

    to raise somebody TO something — ascender* or elevar a alguien a algo

    a) \<\<money/funds\>\> recaudar; \<\<loan\>\> conseguir, obtener
    b) \<\<army/supporters\>\> reclutar
    7) \<\<fears/doubt\>\> suscitar, dar* lugar a

    to raise the alarm — dar* la alarma

    8) \<\<subject\>\> sacar*; \<\<objection/question\>\> formular, hacer*, plantear
    a) \<\<child/family\>\> criar*
    b) \<\<wheat/corn\>\> cultivar

    noun (AmE) aumento m or subida f de sueldo
    1. VT
    1) (=lift) [+ fallen object, weight, hand] levantar, alzar; [+ hat] levantarse; [+ blinds, window] subir; [+ flag] izar; [+ dust] levantar; [+ wreck] sacar a flote; [+ camp, siege, embargo] levantar

    to raise one's eyebrows — (lit) arquear las cejas

    her behaviour raised a lot of eyebrows — (fig) su comportamiento escandalizó a mucha gente

    to raise one's eyesalzar la vista or la mirada, levantar los ojos or la vista

    to raise one's glass to sth/sb — brindar por algo/algn

    he raised his hands in horror/surrender — levantó or alzó las manos horrorizado/rindiéndose

    to raise o.s. — levantarse, alzarse

    to raise o.s. into a sitting position — incorporarse

    curtain, hand 1., 10), hell 1., 1), hope 1., 1), roof, sight 1., 4), spirit 1., 7), a), stake 1., 1)
    2) (=make higher) subir
    3) (=increase) [+ prices, salaries, taxes] aumentar, subir; [+ temperature] subir, aumentar, elevar; [+ standard, level] subir; [+ age limit] extender; [+ awareness, consciousness] aumentar

    we want to raise the profile of rugby — queremos realzar la imagen del rugby

    don't you raise your voice to me! — ¡no me levantes or alces la voz!

    4) [+ person] (in rank) ascender (to a)
    5) (=erect) [+ building, statue] erigir, levantar
    6) (=bring up) [+ child, livestock] criar; [+ crop] cultivar

    I want to settle down, maybe raise a family — quiero asentarme, y quizá tener una familia

    7) (=produce) [+ laugh] provocar; [+ doubts, fears] suscitar; [+ suspicion] levantar, despertar; [+ cry] dar; [+ bump] causar; [+ blister] levantar

    his speech raised a cheer from the crowd — su discurso suscitó una ovación del público

    his forlorn attempts to raise a few laughssus intentos desesperados por provocar unas cuantas risas

    she could barely raise a smileapenas pudo sonreír

    to raise suspicion in sb's mind — levantar or despertar las sospechas de algn

    8) (=present, put forward) [+ question, point, possibility] plantear; [+ subject] sacar; [+ complaint] presentar

    to raise objections to sth — poner objeciones or peros a algo

    this raises the prospect of civil war — esto plantea la posibilidad de una guerra civil

    he gets embarrassed whenever the subject is raised — se pone violento cada vez que se saca el tema

    9) (=get together) [+ funds, money] recaudar; [+ capital] movilizar; [+ loan] conseguir, obtener; [+ army] reclutar

    they couldn't raise his bailno pudieron reunir el dinero de su fianza

    they raised a loan against the house — consiguieron un préstamo con la casa como garantía

    to raise money for charity — recaudar dinero con fines benéficos

    10) (Cards)

    I'll raise you! — ¡subo la apuesta!

    I'll raise you £10 — te subo 10 libras más

    bid, stake 1., 1)
    11) (=contact) (by phone) localizar; (by radio) contactar con, localizar
    12) (=conjure) [+ spirits] evocar

    to raise sb from the dead — resucitar a algn, levantar a algn de entre los muertos

    13) (Math) [+ total] elevar
    N (esp US) (in salary) aumento m, subida f ; (in taxes) subida f
    * * *

    I [reɪz]
    a) ( move upwards) \<\<head/hand\>\> levantar, alzar*; \<\<eyebrows\>\> arquear; \<\<blind/window\>\> subir; \<\<flag\>\> izar*
    b) ( make higher) \<\<shelf/level/hem\>\> subir
    a) ( set upright) levantar
    b) ( erect) \<\<monument/building\>\> levantar, erigir* (frml)
    a) \<\<pressure/temperature\>\> aumentar, elevar; \<\<price/salary/volume\>\> subir, aumentar

    to raise the school leaving age — extender* la escolaridad obligatoria

    b) \<\<consciousness\>\> aumentar, acrecentar*; \<\<standing/reputation\>\> aumentar
    5) ( promote)

    to raise somebody TO something — ascender* or elevar a alguien a algo

    a) \<\<money/funds\>\> recaudar; \<\<loan\>\> conseguir, obtener
    b) \<\<army/supporters\>\> reclutar
    7) \<\<fears/doubt\>\> suscitar, dar* lugar a

    to raise the alarm — dar* la alarma

    8) \<\<subject\>\> sacar*; \<\<objection/question\>\> formular, hacer*, plantear
    a) \<\<child/family\>\> criar*
    b) \<\<wheat/corn\>\> cultivar

    noun (AmE) aumento m or subida f de sueldo

    English-spanish dictionary > raise

  • 10 imi

    infĕrus, a, um (ante-class. collat. form of the nom. sing. infer:

    ubi super inferque vicinus permittet,

    Cato, R. R. 149), adj. [cf. Sanscr. adh-aras, adh-amas, the lower, lowest; and Lat. infra], that is below, underneath, lower; opp. superus.
    In gen.: inferus an superus tibi fert Deus funera, Liv. Andr. ap. Prisc. p. 606 P.; cf.:

    Di Deaeque superi atque inferi,

    Plaut. Cist. 2, 1, 36; Ter. Phorm. 4, 4, 6; cf.

    also: ut ex tam alto dignitatis gradu ad superos videantur deos potius quam ad inferos pervenisse,

    Cic. Lael. 3, 12:

    limen superum inferumque salve,

    Plaut. Merc. 5, 1, 1:

    ut omnia supera, infera, prima, ultima, media videremus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 26, 64:


    the lower parts, id. Arat. 474:


    that come out of the ground, Plin. 2, 52, 53, § 138: aqua, that falls down, rain-water, Varr. ap. Non. 1, 221: mare inferum, the Lower, i. e. the Tuscan Sea (opp. mare superum, the Upper or Adriatic Sea), Mel. 2, 4; Plin. 3, 5, 10, § 75; Cic. Att. 9, 3, 1; id. de Or. 3, 19 et saep. also without mare:

    navigatio infero,

    upon the Tuscan Sea, id. Att. 9, 5, 1.—
    In partic., underground, belonging to the Lower World: infĕri, ōrum, m. ( gen. inferūm for inferorum, Varr. ap. Macr. S. 1, 16; Sen. de Ira, 2, 35), the inhabitants of the infernal regions, the dead:

    triceps apud inferos Cerberus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 5, 10:

    si ab inferis exsistat rex Hiero,

    were to rise from the dead, Liv. 26, 32:

    si salvi esse velint, Sulla sit iis ab inferis excitandus,

    to be raised from the dead, Cic. Cat. 2, 9, 20:

    inferorum animas elicere,

    id. Vatin. 6, 14:

    ad inferos poenas parricidii luere,

    in the infernal regions, id. Phil. 14, 12, 32:

    ab inferis excitare aliquem,

    i. e. to quote the words of one deceased, id. Or. 25, 85; id. Brut. 93, 322.
    Comp.: infĕrĭor, ius, lower in situation or place.


    Caes. B. G. 7, 46, 3:


    id. ib. 2, 25:


    id. ib. 7, 35: ex inferiore loco dicere, from below (opp. ex superiore loco, from the tribunal), Cic. Att. 2, 24, 3; cf.

    superus, II. A.: onerosa suo pondere in inferius feruntur,

    downwards, Ov. M. 15, 241:


    Cic. Inv. 2, 40, 117.— Plur. subst.: infĕrĭōres, um, m., the people of the lower part of the city, Auct. B. Alex. 6, 3. —
    Subsequent, later, latter, in time or succession:

    erant inferiores quam illorum aetas, qui, etc.,

    lived later, were younger, Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 5, 2; cf.:

    aetate inferiores paulo quam Iulius, etc.,

    id. Brut. 49, 182; and:

    inferioris aetatis esse,

    id. ib. 64, 228:

    inferiores quinque dies,

    the latter, Varr. L. L. 6, § 13 Müll. —
    Inferior in quality, rank, or number.
    With abl. specif.:

    voluptatibus erant inferiores, nec pecuniis ferme superiores,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 34:

    inferior fortunā,

    id. Fam. 13, 5, 2:

    dignitate, auctoritate, existimatione, gratia non inferior, quam qui umquam fuerunt amplissimi,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 3, 6:

    inferiores animo,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 24:

    quemadmodum causa inferior, dicendo fieri superior posset,

    Cic. Brut. 8:

    erat multo inferior navium numero Brutus,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 57. — With abl.:

    ut humanos casus virtute inferiores putes,

    Cic. Lael. 2.—
    With in and abl.:

    in jure civili non inferior, quam magister fuit,

    Cic. Brut. 48, 179.—

    inferiores extollere,

    Cic. Lael. 20, 72; cf. id. ib. §

    71: invident homines maxime paribus aut inferioribus,

    id. de Or. 2, 52, 209; cf.:

    indignum est, a pari vinci aut superiore, indignius ab inferiore atque humiliore,

    id. Quint. 31:

    supplices inferioresque,

    id. Font. 11:


    Caes. B. C. 1, 46:

    crudelis in inferiores,

    Auct. Her. 4, 40:

    non inferiora secutus,

    naught inferior, Verg. A. 6, 170.
    Sup. in two forms: infĭmus (or infŭmus) and īmus.
    Form infimus (infumus), a, um, lowest, last (= imus;

    but where the lowest of several objects is referred to, infimus is used,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 37, 103; 2, 6, 17; v. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 588).

    stabiliendi causa singuli ab infimo solo pedes terra exculcabantur,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 73, 7:

    ab infimis radicibus montis,

    id. B. C. 1, 41, 3; 1, 42, 2:

    cum scripsissem haec infima,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 1, 6:

    ab infima ara,

    from the lowest part of the altar, id. Div. 1, 33; cf.:

    sub infimo colle,

    the foot, Caes. B. G. 7, 79. — Subst.: infĭmum, i, n., the lowest part, bottom, in the phrase:

    ab infimo,

    from below, at the bottom, Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 140:

    collis erat leniter ab infimo acclivis,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 19, 1 (for which, ab imo;

    v. below, B. 1.): stipites demissi et ab infimo revincti,

    id. ib. 7, 73, 3; cf. Sen. Q. N. 3, 30, 4; 6, 4, 1; so,

    ad infimum,

    at the bottom, Caes. B. G. 7, 73, 3:

    collis passus circiter CC. infimus apertus,

    at the bottom, id. ib. 2, 18, 2.—
    Trop., lowest, meanest, basest in quality or rank:

    infima faex populi,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 6; cf.:

    condicio servorum,

    id. Off. 1, 13:

    infimo loco natus,

    id. Fl. 11:

    summos cum infimis pari jure retinebat,

    id. Off. 2, 12:

    humilitas natalium,

    Plin. 18, 6, 7, § 37:


    the most humble, Liv. 8, 2; 29, 30. — Hence, infĭmē, adv., only trop., at the bottom (late Lat.):

    quid summe est, quid infime,

    Aug. Ep. 18, 2. —
    Form imus, a, um, the lowest, deepest, last ( = infimus; but when opp. to summus, to express a whole from end to end, imus is used; v. Suet. Aug. 79; Quint. 2, 13, 9; Liv. 24, 34, 9; Cic. Rosc. Com. 7, 20; Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 54; cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 588).

    ab imis unguibus usque ad verticem summum,

    Cic. Rosc. Com. 7, 20:

    terra ima sede semper haeret,

    id. Rep. 6, 18:

    fundo in imo,

    at the very bottom, Verg. A. 6, 581: vox, the deepest bass (opp. vox summa, the treble), Hor. S. 1, 3, 7; Quint. 11, 3, 15:


    that reclines at the bottom, Hor. S. 2, 8, 40; Mart. 6, 74:

    ad imam quercum,

    at the foot of the oak, Phaedr. 2, 4, 3:

    in aure ima,

    at the bottom of the ear, Plin. 11, 45, 103, § 205. — As substt.
    Plur.: īmi, ōrum, m., the lowest, most humble:

    aequalis ad maximos imosque pervenit clementiae tuae admiratio,

    Sen. Clem. 1, 1, 9:

    pacis et armorum superis imisque deorum Arbiter,

    Ov. F. 5, 665. —
    īmum, i, n., the bottom, depth, low [p. 945] est part. Lit.:

    ab imo ad summum,

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 308:

    locus erat paulatim ab imo acclivis,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 19, 1 (for which, ab infimo; v. above, A. 1.); so,

    tigna paulum ab imo praeacuta,

    id. ib. 4, 17:

    suspirare ab imo,

    to fetch a deep sigh, Ov. A. A. 3, 675:

    (aures) instabiles imo facit,

    at the bottom. at their roots, id. M. 11, 177:

    aquae perspicuae imo,

    down to the bottom, id. ib. 5, 588. — Plur.:

    ima summis mutare,

    to turn the lowest into the highest, Hor. C. 1, 34, 12; Vell. 2, 2:


    the under world, Ov. M. 10, 47.—With gen.:

    ima maris,

    the bottom of the sea, Plin. 32, 6, 21, § 64:

    ima montis,

    the foot of a mountain, id. 4, 11, 18, § 40.—
    Trop., with respect to time or order, the last (mostly poet.):


    Ov. F. 2, 52.—Hence, subst.: īmum, i, n., the last, the end:

    nihil nostrā intersit an ab summo an ab imo nomina dicere incipiamus,

    Auct. Her. 3, 18, 30:

    si quid inexpertum scaenae committis... servetur ad imum,

    till the last, to the end, Hor. A. P. 126:

    dormiet in lucem... ad imum Threx erit,

    at last, id. Ep. 1, 18, 35.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > imi

  • 11 imum

    infĕrus, a, um (ante-class. collat. form of the nom. sing. infer:

    ubi super inferque vicinus permittet,

    Cato, R. R. 149), adj. [cf. Sanscr. adh-aras, adh-amas, the lower, lowest; and Lat. infra], that is below, underneath, lower; opp. superus.
    In gen.: inferus an superus tibi fert Deus funera, Liv. Andr. ap. Prisc. p. 606 P.; cf.:

    Di Deaeque superi atque inferi,

    Plaut. Cist. 2, 1, 36; Ter. Phorm. 4, 4, 6; cf.

    also: ut ex tam alto dignitatis gradu ad superos videantur deos potius quam ad inferos pervenisse,

    Cic. Lael. 3, 12:

    limen superum inferumque salve,

    Plaut. Merc. 5, 1, 1:

    ut omnia supera, infera, prima, ultima, media videremus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 26, 64:


    the lower parts, id. Arat. 474:


    that come out of the ground, Plin. 2, 52, 53, § 138: aqua, that falls down, rain-water, Varr. ap. Non. 1, 221: mare inferum, the Lower, i. e. the Tuscan Sea (opp. mare superum, the Upper or Adriatic Sea), Mel. 2, 4; Plin. 3, 5, 10, § 75; Cic. Att. 9, 3, 1; id. de Or. 3, 19 et saep. also without mare:

    navigatio infero,

    upon the Tuscan Sea, id. Att. 9, 5, 1.—
    In partic., underground, belonging to the Lower World: infĕri, ōrum, m. ( gen. inferūm for inferorum, Varr. ap. Macr. S. 1, 16; Sen. de Ira, 2, 35), the inhabitants of the infernal regions, the dead:

    triceps apud inferos Cerberus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 5, 10:

    si ab inferis exsistat rex Hiero,

    were to rise from the dead, Liv. 26, 32:

    si salvi esse velint, Sulla sit iis ab inferis excitandus,

    to be raised from the dead, Cic. Cat. 2, 9, 20:

    inferorum animas elicere,

    id. Vatin. 6, 14:

    ad inferos poenas parricidii luere,

    in the infernal regions, id. Phil. 14, 12, 32:

    ab inferis excitare aliquem,

    i. e. to quote the words of one deceased, id. Or. 25, 85; id. Brut. 93, 322.
    Comp.: infĕrĭor, ius, lower in situation or place.


    Caes. B. G. 7, 46, 3:


    id. ib. 2, 25:


    id. ib. 7, 35: ex inferiore loco dicere, from below (opp. ex superiore loco, from the tribunal), Cic. Att. 2, 24, 3; cf.

    superus, II. A.: onerosa suo pondere in inferius feruntur,

    downwards, Ov. M. 15, 241:


    Cic. Inv. 2, 40, 117.— Plur. subst.: infĕrĭōres, um, m., the people of the lower part of the city, Auct. B. Alex. 6, 3. —
    Subsequent, later, latter, in time or succession:

    erant inferiores quam illorum aetas, qui, etc.,

    lived later, were younger, Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 5, 2; cf.:

    aetate inferiores paulo quam Iulius, etc.,

    id. Brut. 49, 182; and:

    inferioris aetatis esse,

    id. ib. 64, 228:

    inferiores quinque dies,

    the latter, Varr. L. L. 6, § 13 Müll. —
    Inferior in quality, rank, or number.
    With abl. specif.:

    voluptatibus erant inferiores, nec pecuniis ferme superiores,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 34:

    inferior fortunā,

    id. Fam. 13, 5, 2:

    dignitate, auctoritate, existimatione, gratia non inferior, quam qui umquam fuerunt amplissimi,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 3, 6:

    inferiores animo,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 24:

    quemadmodum causa inferior, dicendo fieri superior posset,

    Cic. Brut. 8:

    erat multo inferior navium numero Brutus,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 57. — With abl.:

    ut humanos casus virtute inferiores putes,

    Cic. Lael. 2.—
    With in and abl.:

    in jure civili non inferior, quam magister fuit,

    Cic. Brut. 48, 179.—

    inferiores extollere,

    Cic. Lael. 20, 72; cf. id. ib. §

    71: invident homines maxime paribus aut inferioribus,

    id. de Or. 2, 52, 209; cf.:

    indignum est, a pari vinci aut superiore, indignius ab inferiore atque humiliore,

    id. Quint. 31:

    supplices inferioresque,

    id. Font. 11:


    Caes. B. C. 1, 46:

    crudelis in inferiores,

    Auct. Her. 4, 40:

    non inferiora secutus,

    naught inferior, Verg. A. 6, 170.
    Sup. in two forms: infĭmus (or infŭmus) and īmus.
    Form infimus (infumus), a, um, lowest, last (= imus;

    but where the lowest of several objects is referred to, infimus is used,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 37, 103; 2, 6, 17; v. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 588).

    stabiliendi causa singuli ab infimo solo pedes terra exculcabantur,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 73, 7:

    ab infimis radicibus montis,

    id. B. C. 1, 41, 3; 1, 42, 2:

    cum scripsissem haec infima,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 1, 6:

    ab infima ara,

    from the lowest part of the altar, id. Div. 1, 33; cf.:

    sub infimo colle,

    the foot, Caes. B. G. 7, 79. — Subst.: infĭmum, i, n., the lowest part, bottom, in the phrase:

    ab infimo,

    from below, at the bottom, Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 140:

    collis erat leniter ab infimo acclivis,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 19, 1 (for which, ab imo;

    v. below, B. 1.): stipites demissi et ab infimo revincti,

    id. ib. 7, 73, 3; cf. Sen. Q. N. 3, 30, 4; 6, 4, 1; so,

    ad infimum,

    at the bottom, Caes. B. G. 7, 73, 3:

    collis passus circiter CC. infimus apertus,

    at the bottom, id. ib. 2, 18, 2.—
    Trop., lowest, meanest, basest in quality or rank:

    infima faex populi,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 6; cf.:

    condicio servorum,

    id. Off. 1, 13:

    infimo loco natus,

    id. Fl. 11:

    summos cum infimis pari jure retinebat,

    id. Off. 2, 12:

    humilitas natalium,

    Plin. 18, 6, 7, § 37:


    the most humble, Liv. 8, 2; 29, 30. — Hence, infĭmē, adv., only trop., at the bottom (late Lat.):

    quid summe est, quid infime,

    Aug. Ep. 18, 2. —
    Form imus, a, um, the lowest, deepest, last ( = infimus; but when opp. to summus, to express a whole from end to end, imus is used; v. Suet. Aug. 79; Quint. 2, 13, 9; Liv. 24, 34, 9; Cic. Rosc. Com. 7, 20; Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 54; cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 588).

    ab imis unguibus usque ad verticem summum,

    Cic. Rosc. Com. 7, 20:

    terra ima sede semper haeret,

    id. Rep. 6, 18:

    fundo in imo,

    at the very bottom, Verg. A. 6, 581: vox, the deepest bass (opp. vox summa, the treble), Hor. S. 1, 3, 7; Quint. 11, 3, 15:


    that reclines at the bottom, Hor. S. 2, 8, 40; Mart. 6, 74:

    ad imam quercum,

    at the foot of the oak, Phaedr. 2, 4, 3:

    in aure ima,

    at the bottom of the ear, Plin. 11, 45, 103, § 205. — As substt.
    Plur.: īmi, ōrum, m., the lowest, most humble:

    aequalis ad maximos imosque pervenit clementiae tuae admiratio,

    Sen. Clem. 1, 1, 9:

    pacis et armorum superis imisque deorum Arbiter,

    Ov. F. 5, 665. —
    īmum, i, n., the bottom, depth, low [p. 945] est part. Lit.:

    ab imo ad summum,

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 308:

    locus erat paulatim ab imo acclivis,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 19, 1 (for which, ab infimo; v. above, A. 1.); so,

    tigna paulum ab imo praeacuta,

    id. ib. 4, 17:

    suspirare ab imo,

    to fetch a deep sigh, Ov. A. A. 3, 675:

    (aures) instabiles imo facit,

    at the bottom. at their roots, id. M. 11, 177:

    aquae perspicuae imo,

    down to the bottom, id. ib. 5, 588. — Plur.:

    ima summis mutare,

    to turn the lowest into the highest, Hor. C. 1, 34, 12; Vell. 2, 2:


    the under world, Ov. M. 10, 47.—With gen.:

    ima maris,

    the bottom of the sea, Plin. 32, 6, 21, § 64:

    ima montis,

    the foot of a mountain, id. 4, 11, 18, § 40.—
    Trop., with respect to time or order, the last (mostly poet.):


    Ov. F. 2, 52.—Hence, subst.: īmum, i, n., the last, the end:

    nihil nostrā intersit an ab summo an ab imo nomina dicere incipiamus,

    Auct. Her. 3, 18, 30:

    si quid inexpertum scaenae committis... servetur ad imum,

    till the last, to the end, Hor. A. P. 126:

    dormiet in lucem... ad imum Threx erit,

    at last, id. Ep. 1, 18, 35.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > imum

  • 12 inferiores

    infĕrus, a, um (ante-class. collat. form of the nom. sing. infer:

    ubi super inferque vicinus permittet,

    Cato, R. R. 149), adj. [cf. Sanscr. adh-aras, adh-amas, the lower, lowest; and Lat. infra], that is below, underneath, lower; opp. superus.
    In gen.: inferus an superus tibi fert Deus funera, Liv. Andr. ap. Prisc. p. 606 P.; cf.:

    Di Deaeque superi atque inferi,

    Plaut. Cist. 2, 1, 36; Ter. Phorm. 4, 4, 6; cf.

    also: ut ex tam alto dignitatis gradu ad superos videantur deos potius quam ad inferos pervenisse,

    Cic. Lael. 3, 12:

    limen superum inferumque salve,

    Plaut. Merc. 5, 1, 1:

    ut omnia supera, infera, prima, ultima, media videremus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 26, 64:


    the lower parts, id. Arat. 474:


    that come out of the ground, Plin. 2, 52, 53, § 138: aqua, that falls down, rain-water, Varr. ap. Non. 1, 221: mare inferum, the Lower, i. e. the Tuscan Sea (opp. mare superum, the Upper or Adriatic Sea), Mel. 2, 4; Plin. 3, 5, 10, § 75; Cic. Att. 9, 3, 1; id. de Or. 3, 19 et saep. also without mare:

    navigatio infero,

    upon the Tuscan Sea, id. Att. 9, 5, 1.—
    In partic., underground, belonging to the Lower World: infĕri, ōrum, m. ( gen. inferūm for inferorum, Varr. ap. Macr. S. 1, 16; Sen. de Ira, 2, 35), the inhabitants of the infernal regions, the dead:

    triceps apud inferos Cerberus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 5, 10:

    si ab inferis exsistat rex Hiero,

    were to rise from the dead, Liv. 26, 32:

    si salvi esse velint, Sulla sit iis ab inferis excitandus,

    to be raised from the dead, Cic. Cat. 2, 9, 20:

    inferorum animas elicere,

    id. Vatin. 6, 14:

    ad inferos poenas parricidii luere,

    in the infernal regions, id. Phil. 14, 12, 32:

    ab inferis excitare aliquem,

    i. e. to quote the words of one deceased, id. Or. 25, 85; id. Brut. 93, 322.
    Comp.: infĕrĭor, ius, lower in situation or place.


    Caes. B. G. 7, 46, 3:


    id. ib. 2, 25:


    id. ib. 7, 35: ex inferiore loco dicere, from below (opp. ex superiore loco, from the tribunal), Cic. Att. 2, 24, 3; cf.

    superus, II. A.: onerosa suo pondere in inferius feruntur,

    downwards, Ov. M. 15, 241:


    Cic. Inv. 2, 40, 117.— Plur. subst.: infĕrĭōres, um, m., the people of the lower part of the city, Auct. B. Alex. 6, 3. —
    Subsequent, later, latter, in time or succession:

    erant inferiores quam illorum aetas, qui, etc.,

    lived later, were younger, Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 5, 2; cf.:

    aetate inferiores paulo quam Iulius, etc.,

    id. Brut. 49, 182; and:

    inferioris aetatis esse,

    id. ib. 64, 228:

    inferiores quinque dies,

    the latter, Varr. L. L. 6, § 13 Müll. —
    Inferior in quality, rank, or number.
    With abl. specif.:

    voluptatibus erant inferiores, nec pecuniis ferme superiores,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 34:

    inferior fortunā,

    id. Fam. 13, 5, 2:

    dignitate, auctoritate, existimatione, gratia non inferior, quam qui umquam fuerunt amplissimi,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 3, 6:

    inferiores animo,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 24:

    quemadmodum causa inferior, dicendo fieri superior posset,

    Cic. Brut. 8:

    erat multo inferior navium numero Brutus,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 57. — With abl.:

    ut humanos casus virtute inferiores putes,

    Cic. Lael. 2.—
    With in and abl.:

    in jure civili non inferior, quam magister fuit,

    Cic. Brut. 48, 179.—

    inferiores extollere,

    Cic. Lael. 20, 72; cf. id. ib. §

    71: invident homines maxime paribus aut inferioribus,

    id. de Or. 2, 52, 209; cf.:

    indignum est, a pari vinci aut superiore, indignius ab inferiore atque humiliore,

    id. Quint. 31:

    supplices inferioresque,

    id. Font. 11:


    Caes. B. C. 1, 46:

    crudelis in inferiores,

    Auct. Her. 4, 40:

    non inferiora secutus,

    naught inferior, Verg. A. 6, 170.
    Sup. in two forms: infĭmus (or infŭmus) and īmus.
    Form infimus (infumus), a, um, lowest, last (= imus;

    but where the lowest of several objects is referred to, infimus is used,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 37, 103; 2, 6, 17; v. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 588).

    stabiliendi causa singuli ab infimo solo pedes terra exculcabantur,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 73, 7:

    ab infimis radicibus montis,

    id. B. C. 1, 41, 3; 1, 42, 2:

    cum scripsissem haec infima,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 1, 6:

    ab infima ara,

    from the lowest part of the altar, id. Div. 1, 33; cf.:

    sub infimo colle,

    the foot, Caes. B. G. 7, 79. — Subst.: infĭmum, i, n., the lowest part, bottom, in the phrase:

    ab infimo,

    from below, at the bottom, Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 140:

    collis erat leniter ab infimo acclivis,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 19, 1 (for which, ab imo;

    v. below, B. 1.): stipites demissi et ab infimo revincti,

    id. ib. 7, 73, 3; cf. Sen. Q. N. 3, 30, 4; 6, 4, 1; so,

    ad infimum,

    at the bottom, Caes. B. G. 7, 73, 3:

    collis passus circiter CC. infimus apertus,

    at the bottom, id. ib. 2, 18, 2.—
    Trop., lowest, meanest, basest in quality or rank:

    infima faex populi,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 6; cf.:

    condicio servorum,

    id. Off. 1, 13:

    infimo loco natus,

    id. Fl. 11:

    summos cum infimis pari jure retinebat,

    id. Off. 2, 12:

    humilitas natalium,

    Plin. 18, 6, 7, § 37:


    the most humble, Liv. 8, 2; 29, 30. — Hence, infĭmē, adv., only trop., at the bottom (late Lat.):

    quid summe est, quid infime,

    Aug. Ep. 18, 2. —
    Form imus, a, um, the lowest, deepest, last ( = infimus; but when opp. to summus, to express a whole from end to end, imus is used; v. Suet. Aug. 79; Quint. 2, 13, 9; Liv. 24, 34, 9; Cic. Rosc. Com. 7, 20; Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 54; cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 588).

    ab imis unguibus usque ad verticem summum,

    Cic. Rosc. Com. 7, 20:

    terra ima sede semper haeret,

    id. Rep. 6, 18:

    fundo in imo,

    at the very bottom, Verg. A. 6, 581: vox, the deepest bass (opp. vox summa, the treble), Hor. S. 1, 3, 7; Quint. 11, 3, 15:


    that reclines at the bottom, Hor. S. 2, 8, 40; Mart. 6, 74:

    ad imam quercum,

    at the foot of the oak, Phaedr. 2, 4, 3:

    in aure ima,

    at the bottom of the ear, Plin. 11, 45, 103, § 205. — As substt.
    Plur.: īmi, ōrum, m., the lowest, most humble:

    aequalis ad maximos imosque pervenit clementiae tuae admiratio,

    Sen. Clem. 1, 1, 9:

    pacis et armorum superis imisque deorum Arbiter,

    Ov. F. 5, 665. —
    īmum, i, n., the bottom, depth, low [p. 945] est part. Lit.:

    ab imo ad summum,

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 308:

    locus erat paulatim ab imo acclivis,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 19, 1 (for which, ab infimo; v. above, A. 1.); so,

    tigna paulum ab imo praeacuta,

    id. ib. 4, 17:

    suspirare ab imo,

    to fetch a deep sigh, Ov. A. A. 3, 675:

    (aures) instabiles imo facit,

    at the bottom. at their roots, id. M. 11, 177:

    aquae perspicuae imo,

    down to the bottom, id. ib. 5, 588. — Plur.:

    ima summis mutare,

    to turn the lowest into the highest, Hor. C. 1, 34, 12; Vell. 2, 2:


    the under world, Ov. M. 10, 47.—With gen.:

    ima maris,

    the bottom of the sea, Plin. 32, 6, 21, § 64:

    ima montis,

    the foot of a mountain, id. 4, 11, 18, § 40.—
    Trop., with respect to time or order, the last (mostly poet.):


    Ov. F. 2, 52.—Hence, subst.: īmum, i, n., the last, the end:

    nihil nostrā intersit an ab summo an ab imo nomina dicere incipiamus,

    Auct. Her. 3, 18, 30:

    si quid inexpertum scaenae committis... servetur ad imum,

    till the last, to the end, Hor. A. P. 126:

    dormiet in lucem... ad imum Threx erit,

    at last, id. Ep. 1, 18, 35.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > inferiores

  • 13 inferus

    infĕrus, a, um (ante-class. collat. form of the nom. sing. infer:

    ubi super inferque vicinus permittet,

    Cato, R. R. 149), adj. [cf. Sanscr. adh-aras, adh-amas, the lower, lowest; and Lat. infra], that is below, underneath, lower; opp. superus.
    In gen.: inferus an superus tibi fert Deus funera, Liv. Andr. ap. Prisc. p. 606 P.; cf.:

    Di Deaeque superi atque inferi,

    Plaut. Cist. 2, 1, 36; Ter. Phorm. 4, 4, 6; cf.

    also: ut ex tam alto dignitatis gradu ad superos videantur deos potius quam ad inferos pervenisse,

    Cic. Lael. 3, 12:

    limen superum inferumque salve,

    Plaut. Merc. 5, 1, 1:

    ut omnia supera, infera, prima, ultima, media videremus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 26, 64:


    the lower parts, id. Arat. 474:


    that come out of the ground, Plin. 2, 52, 53, § 138: aqua, that falls down, rain-water, Varr. ap. Non. 1, 221: mare inferum, the Lower, i. e. the Tuscan Sea (opp. mare superum, the Upper or Adriatic Sea), Mel. 2, 4; Plin. 3, 5, 10, § 75; Cic. Att. 9, 3, 1; id. de Or. 3, 19 et saep. also without mare:

    navigatio infero,

    upon the Tuscan Sea, id. Att. 9, 5, 1.—
    In partic., underground, belonging to the Lower World: infĕri, ōrum, m. ( gen. inferūm for inferorum, Varr. ap. Macr. S. 1, 16; Sen. de Ira, 2, 35), the inhabitants of the infernal regions, the dead:

    triceps apud inferos Cerberus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 5, 10:

    si ab inferis exsistat rex Hiero,

    were to rise from the dead, Liv. 26, 32:

    si salvi esse velint, Sulla sit iis ab inferis excitandus,

    to be raised from the dead, Cic. Cat. 2, 9, 20:

    inferorum animas elicere,

    id. Vatin. 6, 14:

    ad inferos poenas parricidii luere,

    in the infernal regions, id. Phil. 14, 12, 32:

    ab inferis excitare aliquem,

    i. e. to quote the words of one deceased, id. Or. 25, 85; id. Brut. 93, 322.
    Comp.: infĕrĭor, ius, lower in situation or place.


    Caes. B. G. 7, 46, 3:


    id. ib. 2, 25:


    id. ib. 7, 35: ex inferiore loco dicere, from below (opp. ex superiore loco, from the tribunal), Cic. Att. 2, 24, 3; cf.

    superus, II. A.: onerosa suo pondere in inferius feruntur,

    downwards, Ov. M. 15, 241:


    Cic. Inv. 2, 40, 117.— Plur. subst.: infĕrĭōres, um, m., the people of the lower part of the city, Auct. B. Alex. 6, 3. —
    Subsequent, later, latter, in time or succession:

    erant inferiores quam illorum aetas, qui, etc.,

    lived later, were younger, Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 5, 2; cf.:

    aetate inferiores paulo quam Iulius, etc.,

    id. Brut. 49, 182; and:

    inferioris aetatis esse,

    id. ib. 64, 228:

    inferiores quinque dies,

    the latter, Varr. L. L. 6, § 13 Müll. —
    Inferior in quality, rank, or number.
    With abl. specif.:

    voluptatibus erant inferiores, nec pecuniis ferme superiores,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 34:

    inferior fortunā,

    id. Fam. 13, 5, 2:

    dignitate, auctoritate, existimatione, gratia non inferior, quam qui umquam fuerunt amplissimi,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 3, 6:

    inferiores animo,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 24:

    quemadmodum causa inferior, dicendo fieri superior posset,

    Cic. Brut. 8:

    erat multo inferior navium numero Brutus,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 57. — With abl.:

    ut humanos casus virtute inferiores putes,

    Cic. Lael. 2.—
    With in and abl.:

    in jure civili non inferior, quam magister fuit,

    Cic. Brut. 48, 179.—

    inferiores extollere,

    Cic. Lael. 20, 72; cf. id. ib. §

    71: invident homines maxime paribus aut inferioribus,

    id. de Or. 2, 52, 209; cf.:

    indignum est, a pari vinci aut superiore, indignius ab inferiore atque humiliore,

    id. Quint. 31:

    supplices inferioresque,

    id. Font. 11:


    Caes. B. C. 1, 46:

    crudelis in inferiores,

    Auct. Her. 4, 40:

    non inferiora secutus,

    naught inferior, Verg. A. 6, 170.
    Sup. in two forms: infĭmus (or infŭmus) and īmus.
    Form infimus (infumus), a, um, lowest, last (= imus;

    but where the lowest of several objects is referred to, infimus is used,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 37, 103; 2, 6, 17; v. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 588).

    stabiliendi causa singuli ab infimo solo pedes terra exculcabantur,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 73, 7:

    ab infimis radicibus montis,

    id. B. C. 1, 41, 3; 1, 42, 2:

    cum scripsissem haec infima,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 1, 6:

    ab infima ara,

    from the lowest part of the altar, id. Div. 1, 33; cf.:

    sub infimo colle,

    the foot, Caes. B. G. 7, 79. — Subst.: infĭmum, i, n., the lowest part, bottom, in the phrase:

    ab infimo,

    from below, at the bottom, Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 140:

    collis erat leniter ab infimo acclivis,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 19, 1 (for which, ab imo;

    v. below, B. 1.): stipites demissi et ab infimo revincti,

    id. ib. 7, 73, 3; cf. Sen. Q. N. 3, 30, 4; 6, 4, 1; so,

    ad infimum,

    at the bottom, Caes. B. G. 7, 73, 3:

    collis passus circiter CC. infimus apertus,

    at the bottom, id. ib. 2, 18, 2.—
    Trop., lowest, meanest, basest in quality or rank:

    infima faex populi,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 6; cf.:

    condicio servorum,

    id. Off. 1, 13:

    infimo loco natus,

    id. Fl. 11:

    summos cum infimis pari jure retinebat,

    id. Off. 2, 12:

    humilitas natalium,

    Plin. 18, 6, 7, § 37:


    the most humble, Liv. 8, 2; 29, 30. — Hence, infĭmē, adv., only trop., at the bottom (late Lat.):

    quid summe est, quid infime,

    Aug. Ep. 18, 2. —
    Form imus, a, um, the lowest, deepest, last ( = infimus; but when opp. to summus, to express a whole from end to end, imus is used; v. Suet. Aug. 79; Quint. 2, 13, 9; Liv. 24, 34, 9; Cic. Rosc. Com. 7, 20; Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 54; cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 588).

    ab imis unguibus usque ad verticem summum,

    Cic. Rosc. Com. 7, 20:

    terra ima sede semper haeret,

    id. Rep. 6, 18:

    fundo in imo,

    at the very bottom, Verg. A. 6, 581: vox, the deepest bass (opp. vox summa, the treble), Hor. S. 1, 3, 7; Quint. 11, 3, 15:


    that reclines at the bottom, Hor. S. 2, 8, 40; Mart. 6, 74:

    ad imam quercum,

    at the foot of the oak, Phaedr. 2, 4, 3:

    in aure ima,

    at the bottom of the ear, Plin. 11, 45, 103, § 205. — As substt.
    Plur.: īmi, ōrum, m., the lowest, most humble:

    aequalis ad maximos imosque pervenit clementiae tuae admiratio,

    Sen. Clem. 1, 1, 9:

    pacis et armorum superis imisque deorum Arbiter,

    Ov. F. 5, 665. —
    īmum, i, n., the bottom, depth, low [p. 945] est part. Lit.:

    ab imo ad summum,

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 308:

    locus erat paulatim ab imo acclivis,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 19, 1 (for which, ab infimo; v. above, A. 1.); so,

    tigna paulum ab imo praeacuta,

    id. ib. 4, 17:

    suspirare ab imo,

    to fetch a deep sigh, Ov. A. A. 3, 675:

    (aures) instabiles imo facit,

    at the bottom. at their roots, id. M. 11, 177:

    aquae perspicuae imo,

    down to the bottom, id. ib. 5, 588. — Plur.:

    ima summis mutare,

    to turn the lowest into the highest, Hor. C. 1, 34, 12; Vell. 2, 2:


    the under world, Ov. M. 10, 47.—With gen.:

    ima maris,

    the bottom of the sea, Plin. 32, 6, 21, § 64:

    ima montis,

    the foot of a mountain, id. 4, 11, 18, § 40.—
    Trop., with respect to time or order, the last (mostly poet.):


    Ov. F. 2, 52.—Hence, subst.: īmum, i, n., the last, the end:

    nihil nostrā intersit an ab summo an ab imo nomina dicere incipiamus,

    Auct. Her. 3, 18, 30:

    si quid inexpertum scaenae committis... servetur ad imum,

    till the last, to the end, Hor. A. P. 126:

    dormiet in lucem... ad imum Threx erit,

    at last, id. Ep. 1, 18, 35.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > inferus

  • 14 infime

    infĕrus, a, um (ante-class. collat. form of the nom. sing. infer:

    ubi super inferque vicinus permittet,

    Cato, R. R. 149), adj. [cf. Sanscr. adh-aras, adh-amas, the lower, lowest; and Lat. infra], that is below, underneath, lower; opp. superus.
    In gen.: inferus an superus tibi fert Deus funera, Liv. Andr. ap. Prisc. p. 606 P.; cf.:

    Di Deaeque superi atque inferi,

    Plaut. Cist. 2, 1, 36; Ter. Phorm. 4, 4, 6; cf.

    also: ut ex tam alto dignitatis gradu ad superos videantur deos potius quam ad inferos pervenisse,

    Cic. Lael. 3, 12:

    limen superum inferumque salve,

    Plaut. Merc. 5, 1, 1:

    ut omnia supera, infera, prima, ultima, media videremus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 26, 64:


    the lower parts, id. Arat. 474:


    that come out of the ground, Plin. 2, 52, 53, § 138: aqua, that falls down, rain-water, Varr. ap. Non. 1, 221: mare inferum, the Lower, i. e. the Tuscan Sea (opp. mare superum, the Upper or Adriatic Sea), Mel. 2, 4; Plin. 3, 5, 10, § 75; Cic. Att. 9, 3, 1; id. de Or. 3, 19 et saep. also without mare:

    navigatio infero,

    upon the Tuscan Sea, id. Att. 9, 5, 1.—
    In partic., underground, belonging to the Lower World: infĕri, ōrum, m. ( gen. inferūm for inferorum, Varr. ap. Macr. S. 1, 16; Sen. de Ira, 2, 35), the inhabitants of the infernal regions, the dead:

    triceps apud inferos Cerberus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 5, 10:

    si ab inferis exsistat rex Hiero,

    were to rise from the dead, Liv. 26, 32:

    si salvi esse velint, Sulla sit iis ab inferis excitandus,

    to be raised from the dead, Cic. Cat. 2, 9, 20:

    inferorum animas elicere,

    id. Vatin. 6, 14:

    ad inferos poenas parricidii luere,

    in the infernal regions, id. Phil. 14, 12, 32:

    ab inferis excitare aliquem,

    i. e. to quote the words of one deceased, id. Or. 25, 85; id. Brut. 93, 322.
    Comp.: infĕrĭor, ius, lower in situation or place.


    Caes. B. G. 7, 46, 3:


    id. ib. 2, 25:


    id. ib. 7, 35: ex inferiore loco dicere, from below (opp. ex superiore loco, from the tribunal), Cic. Att. 2, 24, 3; cf.

    superus, II. A.: onerosa suo pondere in inferius feruntur,

    downwards, Ov. M. 15, 241:


    Cic. Inv. 2, 40, 117.— Plur. subst.: infĕrĭōres, um, m., the people of the lower part of the city, Auct. B. Alex. 6, 3. —
    Subsequent, later, latter, in time or succession:

    erant inferiores quam illorum aetas, qui, etc.,

    lived later, were younger, Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 5, 2; cf.:

    aetate inferiores paulo quam Iulius, etc.,

    id. Brut. 49, 182; and:

    inferioris aetatis esse,

    id. ib. 64, 228:

    inferiores quinque dies,

    the latter, Varr. L. L. 6, § 13 Müll. —
    Inferior in quality, rank, or number.
    With abl. specif.:

    voluptatibus erant inferiores, nec pecuniis ferme superiores,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 34:

    inferior fortunā,

    id. Fam. 13, 5, 2:

    dignitate, auctoritate, existimatione, gratia non inferior, quam qui umquam fuerunt amplissimi,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 3, 6:

    inferiores animo,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 24:

    quemadmodum causa inferior, dicendo fieri superior posset,

    Cic. Brut. 8:

    erat multo inferior navium numero Brutus,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 57. — With abl.:

    ut humanos casus virtute inferiores putes,

    Cic. Lael. 2.—
    With in and abl.:

    in jure civili non inferior, quam magister fuit,

    Cic. Brut. 48, 179.—

    inferiores extollere,

    Cic. Lael. 20, 72; cf. id. ib. §

    71: invident homines maxime paribus aut inferioribus,

    id. de Or. 2, 52, 209; cf.:

    indignum est, a pari vinci aut superiore, indignius ab inferiore atque humiliore,

    id. Quint. 31:

    supplices inferioresque,

    id. Font. 11:


    Caes. B. C. 1, 46:

    crudelis in inferiores,

    Auct. Her. 4, 40:

    non inferiora secutus,

    naught inferior, Verg. A. 6, 170.
    Sup. in two forms: infĭmus (or infŭmus) and īmus.
    Form infimus (infumus), a, um, lowest, last (= imus;

    but where the lowest of several objects is referred to, infimus is used,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 37, 103; 2, 6, 17; v. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 588).

    stabiliendi causa singuli ab infimo solo pedes terra exculcabantur,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 73, 7:

    ab infimis radicibus montis,

    id. B. C. 1, 41, 3; 1, 42, 2:

    cum scripsissem haec infima,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 1, 6:

    ab infima ara,

    from the lowest part of the altar, id. Div. 1, 33; cf.:

    sub infimo colle,

    the foot, Caes. B. G. 7, 79. — Subst.: infĭmum, i, n., the lowest part, bottom, in the phrase:

    ab infimo,

    from below, at the bottom, Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 140:

    collis erat leniter ab infimo acclivis,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 19, 1 (for which, ab imo;

    v. below, B. 1.): stipites demissi et ab infimo revincti,

    id. ib. 7, 73, 3; cf. Sen. Q. N. 3, 30, 4; 6, 4, 1; so,

    ad infimum,

    at the bottom, Caes. B. G. 7, 73, 3:

    collis passus circiter CC. infimus apertus,

    at the bottom, id. ib. 2, 18, 2.—
    Trop., lowest, meanest, basest in quality or rank:

    infima faex populi,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 6; cf.:

    condicio servorum,

    id. Off. 1, 13:

    infimo loco natus,

    id. Fl. 11:

    summos cum infimis pari jure retinebat,

    id. Off. 2, 12:

    humilitas natalium,

    Plin. 18, 6, 7, § 37:


    the most humble, Liv. 8, 2; 29, 30. — Hence, infĭmē, adv., only trop., at the bottom (late Lat.):

    quid summe est, quid infime,

    Aug. Ep. 18, 2. —
    Form imus, a, um, the lowest, deepest, last ( = infimus; but when opp. to summus, to express a whole from end to end, imus is used; v. Suet. Aug. 79; Quint. 2, 13, 9; Liv. 24, 34, 9; Cic. Rosc. Com. 7, 20; Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 54; cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 588).

    ab imis unguibus usque ad verticem summum,

    Cic. Rosc. Com. 7, 20:

    terra ima sede semper haeret,

    id. Rep. 6, 18:

    fundo in imo,

    at the very bottom, Verg. A. 6, 581: vox, the deepest bass (opp. vox summa, the treble), Hor. S. 1, 3, 7; Quint. 11, 3, 15:


    that reclines at the bottom, Hor. S. 2, 8, 40; Mart. 6, 74:

    ad imam quercum,

    at the foot of the oak, Phaedr. 2, 4, 3:

    in aure ima,

    at the bottom of the ear, Plin. 11, 45, 103, § 205. — As substt.
    Plur.: īmi, ōrum, m., the lowest, most humble:

    aequalis ad maximos imosque pervenit clementiae tuae admiratio,

    Sen. Clem. 1, 1, 9:

    pacis et armorum superis imisque deorum Arbiter,

    Ov. F. 5, 665. —
    īmum, i, n., the bottom, depth, low [p. 945] est part. Lit.:

    ab imo ad summum,

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 308:

    locus erat paulatim ab imo acclivis,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 19, 1 (for which, ab infimo; v. above, A. 1.); so,

    tigna paulum ab imo praeacuta,

    id. ib. 4, 17:

    suspirare ab imo,

    to fetch a deep sigh, Ov. A. A. 3, 675:

    (aures) instabiles imo facit,

    at the bottom. at their roots, id. M. 11, 177:

    aquae perspicuae imo,

    down to the bottom, id. ib. 5, 588. — Plur.:

    ima summis mutare,

    to turn the lowest into the highest, Hor. C. 1, 34, 12; Vell. 2, 2:


    the under world, Ov. M. 10, 47.—With gen.:

    ima maris,

    the bottom of the sea, Plin. 32, 6, 21, § 64:

    ima montis,

    the foot of a mountain, id. 4, 11, 18, § 40.—
    Trop., with respect to time or order, the last (mostly poet.):


    Ov. F. 2, 52.—Hence, subst.: īmum, i, n., the last, the end:

    nihil nostrā intersit an ab summo an ab imo nomina dicere incipiamus,

    Auct. Her. 3, 18, 30:

    si quid inexpertum scaenae committis... servetur ad imum,

    till the last, to the end, Hor. A. P. 126:

    dormiet in lucem... ad imum Threx erit,

    at last, id. Ep. 1, 18, 35.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > infime

  • 15 infimum

    infĕrus, a, um (ante-class. collat. form of the nom. sing. infer:

    ubi super inferque vicinus permittet,

    Cato, R. R. 149), adj. [cf. Sanscr. adh-aras, adh-amas, the lower, lowest; and Lat. infra], that is below, underneath, lower; opp. superus.
    In gen.: inferus an superus tibi fert Deus funera, Liv. Andr. ap. Prisc. p. 606 P.; cf.:

    Di Deaeque superi atque inferi,

    Plaut. Cist. 2, 1, 36; Ter. Phorm. 4, 4, 6; cf.

    also: ut ex tam alto dignitatis gradu ad superos videantur deos potius quam ad inferos pervenisse,

    Cic. Lael. 3, 12:

    limen superum inferumque salve,

    Plaut. Merc. 5, 1, 1:

    ut omnia supera, infera, prima, ultima, media videremus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 26, 64:


    the lower parts, id. Arat. 474:


    that come out of the ground, Plin. 2, 52, 53, § 138: aqua, that falls down, rain-water, Varr. ap. Non. 1, 221: mare inferum, the Lower, i. e. the Tuscan Sea (opp. mare superum, the Upper or Adriatic Sea), Mel. 2, 4; Plin. 3, 5, 10, § 75; Cic. Att. 9, 3, 1; id. de Or. 3, 19 et saep. also without mare:

    navigatio infero,

    upon the Tuscan Sea, id. Att. 9, 5, 1.—
    In partic., underground, belonging to the Lower World: infĕri, ōrum, m. ( gen. inferūm for inferorum, Varr. ap. Macr. S. 1, 16; Sen. de Ira, 2, 35), the inhabitants of the infernal regions, the dead:

    triceps apud inferos Cerberus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 5, 10:

    si ab inferis exsistat rex Hiero,

    were to rise from the dead, Liv. 26, 32:

    si salvi esse velint, Sulla sit iis ab inferis excitandus,

    to be raised from the dead, Cic. Cat. 2, 9, 20:

    inferorum animas elicere,

    id. Vatin. 6, 14:

    ad inferos poenas parricidii luere,

    in the infernal regions, id. Phil. 14, 12, 32:

    ab inferis excitare aliquem,

    i. e. to quote the words of one deceased, id. Or. 25, 85; id. Brut. 93, 322.
    Comp.: infĕrĭor, ius, lower in situation or place.


    Caes. B. G. 7, 46, 3:


    id. ib. 2, 25:


    id. ib. 7, 35: ex inferiore loco dicere, from below (opp. ex superiore loco, from the tribunal), Cic. Att. 2, 24, 3; cf.

    superus, II. A.: onerosa suo pondere in inferius feruntur,

    downwards, Ov. M. 15, 241:


    Cic. Inv. 2, 40, 117.— Plur. subst.: infĕrĭōres, um, m., the people of the lower part of the city, Auct. B. Alex. 6, 3. —
    Subsequent, later, latter, in time or succession:

    erant inferiores quam illorum aetas, qui, etc.,

    lived later, were younger, Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 5, 2; cf.:

    aetate inferiores paulo quam Iulius, etc.,

    id. Brut. 49, 182; and:

    inferioris aetatis esse,

    id. ib. 64, 228:

    inferiores quinque dies,

    the latter, Varr. L. L. 6, § 13 Müll. —
    Inferior in quality, rank, or number.
    With abl. specif.:

    voluptatibus erant inferiores, nec pecuniis ferme superiores,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 34:

    inferior fortunā,

    id. Fam. 13, 5, 2:

    dignitate, auctoritate, existimatione, gratia non inferior, quam qui umquam fuerunt amplissimi,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 3, 6:

    inferiores animo,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 24:

    quemadmodum causa inferior, dicendo fieri superior posset,

    Cic. Brut. 8:

    erat multo inferior navium numero Brutus,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 57. — With abl.:

    ut humanos casus virtute inferiores putes,

    Cic. Lael. 2.—
    With in and abl.:

    in jure civili non inferior, quam magister fuit,

    Cic. Brut. 48, 179.—

    inferiores extollere,

    Cic. Lael. 20, 72; cf. id. ib. §

    71: invident homines maxime paribus aut inferioribus,

    id. de Or. 2, 52, 209; cf.:

    indignum est, a pari vinci aut superiore, indignius ab inferiore atque humiliore,

    id. Quint. 31:

    supplices inferioresque,

    id. Font. 11:


    Caes. B. C. 1, 46:

    crudelis in inferiores,

    Auct. Her. 4, 40:

    non inferiora secutus,

    naught inferior, Verg. A. 6, 170.
    Sup. in two forms: infĭmus (or infŭmus) and īmus.
    Form infimus (infumus), a, um, lowest, last (= imus;

    but where the lowest of several objects is referred to, infimus is used,

    Cic. N. D. 1, 37, 103; 2, 6, 17; v. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 588).

    stabiliendi causa singuli ab infimo solo pedes terra exculcabantur,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 73, 7:

    ab infimis radicibus montis,

    id. B. C. 1, 41, 3; 1, 42, 2:

    cum scripsissem haec infima,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 3, 1, 6:

    ab infima ara,

    from the lowest part of the altar, id. Div. 1, 33; cf.:

    sub infimo colle,

    the foot, Caes. B. G. 7, 79. — Subst.: infĭmum, i, n., the lowest part, bottom, in the phrase:

    ab infimo,

    from below, at the bottom, Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 140:

    collis erat leniter ab infimo acclivis,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 19, 1 (for which, ab imo;

    v. below, B. 1.): stipites demissi et ab infimo revincti,

    id. ib. 7, 73, 3; cf. Sen. Q. N. 3, 30, 4; 6, 4, 1; so,

    ad infimum,

    at the bottom, Caes. B. G. 7, 73, 3:

    collis passus circiter CC. infimus apertus,

    at the bottom, id. ib. 2, 18, 2.—
    Trop., lowest, meanest, basest in quality or rank:

    infima faex populi,

    Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 6; cf.:

    condicio servorum,

    id. Off. 1, 13:

    infimo loco natus,

    id. Fl. 11:

    summos cum infimis pari jure retinebat,

    id. Off. 2, 12:

    humilitas natalium,

    Plin. 18, 6, 7, § 37:


    the most humble, Liv. 8, 2; 29, 30. — Hence, infĭmē, adv., only trop., at the bottom (late Lat.):

    quid summe est, quid infime,

    Aug. Ep. 18, 2. —
    Form imus, a, um, the lowest, deepest, last ( = infimus; but when opp. to summus, to express a whole from end to end, imus is used; v. Suet. Aug. 79; Quint. 2, 13, 9; Liv. 24, 34, 9; Cic. Rosc. Com. 7, 20; Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 54; cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 588).

    ab imis unguibus usque ad verticem summum,

    Cic. Rosc. Com. 7, 20:

    terra ima sede semper haeret,

    id. Rep. 6, 18:

    fundo in imo,

    at the very bottom, Verg. A. 6, 581: vox, the deepest bass (opp. vox summa, the treble), Hor. S. 1, 3, 7; Quint. 11, 3, 15:


    that reclines at the bottom, Hor. S. 2, 8, 40; Mart. 6, 74:

    ad imam quercum,

    at the foot of the oak, Phaedr. 2, 4, 3:

    in aure ima,

    at the bottom of the ear, Plin. 11, 45, 103, § 205. — As substt.
    Plur.: īmi, ōrum, m., the lowest, most humble:

    aequalis ad maximos imosque pervenit clementiae tuae admiratio,

    Sen. Clem. 1, 1, 9:

    pacis et armorum superis imisque deorum Arbiter,

    Ov. F. 5, 665. —
    īmum, i, n., the bottom, depth, low [p. 945] est part. Lit.:

    ab imo ad summum,

    Hor. S. 2, 3, 308:

    locus erat paulatim ab imo acclivis,

    Caes. B. G. 3, 19, 1 (for which, ab infimo; v. above, A. 1.); so,

    tigna paulum ab imo praeacuta,

    id. ib. 4, 17:

    suspirare ab imo,

    to fetch a deep sigh, Ov. A. A. 3, 675:

    (aures) instabiles imo facit,

    at the bottom. at their roots, id. M. 11, 177:

    aquae perspicuae imo,

    down to the bottom, id. ib. 5, 588. — Plur.:

    ima summis mutare,

    to turn the lowest into the highest, Hor. C. 1, 34, 12; Vell. 2, 2:


    the under world, Ov. M. 10, 47.—With gen.:

    ima maris,

    the bottom of the sea, Plin. 32, 6, 21, § 64:

    ima montis,

    the foot of a mountain, id. 4, 11, 18, § 40.—
    Trop., with respect to time or order, the last (mostly poet.):


    Ov. F. 2, 52.—Hence, subst.: īmum, i, n., the last, the end:

    nihil nostrā intersit an ab summo an ab imo nomina dicere incipiamus,

    Auct. Her. 3, 18, 30:

    si quid inexpertum scaenae committis... servetur ad imum,

    till the last, to the end, Hor. A. P. 126:

    dormiet in lucem... ad imum Threx erit,

    at last, id. Ep. 1, 18, 35.

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  • 16 īnferus

        īnferus adj. with comp. (see īnferior) and sup. (see īnfimus and īmus)    [cf. infra], below, beneath, underneath, lower: ut omnia supera, infera, videremus: mare, the Tuscan Sea.—As subst n.: navigatio infero, upon the Tuscan Sea (opp. superum, the Adriatic).—Underground, of the lower world: di, T.: ad inferos (deos) pervenisse.— Plur m. as subst, the dead, shades, inhabitants of the lower world: apud inferos: ab inferis exsistere, to rise from the dead, L.: ab inferis excitandus, to be raised from the dead: ad inferos poenas luere, in the infernal regions: nec ab inferis mortuos excitabit, i. e. speak in the persons of the dead.
    * * *
    infera -um, inferior -or -us, infimmus -a -um ADJ
    below, beneath, underneath; of hell; vile; lower, further down; lowest, last
    those below (pl.), the dead

    Latin-English dictionary > īnferus

  • 17 πιστεύω

    πιστεύω (Trag.+) impf. ἐπίστευον; 1 aor. ἐπίστευσα; pf. πεπίστευκα; plpf. πεπιστεύκειν Ac 14:23 (on the omission of the augment s. B-D-F §66, 1; Mlt-H. 190). Pass.: fut. 3 pl. πιστευθήσονται Gen 42, 20; 1 aor. ἐπιστεύθην; pf. πεπίστευμαι (the word does not occur in Phlm, 2 Pt, 2 and 3J, Rv, MPol, or D. But it is a special favorite of J and 1J, where it is found 96 times and 9 times respectively; πίστις is not found in the gospel at all, and occurs in 1J only once, 5:4. Our lit. uses it quite predominantly in a transcendent sense, or at least w. transcendent coloring).
    to consider someth. to be true and therefore worthy of one’s trust, believe
    believe (in) someth., be convinced of someth., w. that which one believes (in) indicated
    α. by acc. of thing (Soph., Oed. Rex 646 τάδε; Aristot., Analyt. Pr. 2, 23, 68b, 13 ἅπαντα; PSI 494, 14 μηθέν; UPZ 70, 29 [152/151 B.C.] π. τὰ ἐνύπνια; ApcEsdr 7:12 p. 32, 26 τὸ βιβλίον τοῦτο) ἡ ἀγάπη πάντα πιστεύει 1 Cor 13:7. πεπιστεύκαμεν τὴν ἀγάπην we believe in the love 1J 4:16. πιστεύεις τοῦτο; J 11:26b. Cp. Ac 13:41 (Hab 1:5). Pass. ἐπιστεύθη τὸ μαρτύριον ἡμῶν our testimony was believed 2 Th 1:10b (cp. Aristot., EN 10, 2 p. 1172b, 15 ἐπιστεύοντο οἱ λόγοι; Gen 42:20).
    β. by means of a ὅτι-clause believe that (Plut., Mor. 210d; Aelian, VH 1, 16 p. 8, 9; Herm. Wr. 4, 4: Porphyr., Ad Marcellam 24; PLond III, 897, 12 p. 207 [I A.D.]; Tob 10:8 S; Job 9:16; 15:31; 39:12; La 4:12; 4 Macc 7:19; TestAbr A 18 p. 100, 18 [Stone p. 48]; ParJer 6:7; Just., A I, 18, 2 al.; Orig., C. Cels. 4, 89, 16) μακαρία ἡ πιστεύσασα ὅτι ἔσται τελείωσις Lk 1:45 (ὅτι here may=for: s. ὅτι 4b).—Mk 11:23; cp. vs. 24; J 8:24 (ὅτι ἐγώ εἰμι as Is 43:10); 11:27, 42; 13:19; 14:10; 16:27, 30; 17:8, 21; 20:31a; Ac 9:26; Ro 6:8; 10:9; 1 Th 4:14; Hb 11:6; Js 2:19a; 1J 5:1, 5; Hv 3, 8, 4; 4, 2, 4; m 1:1; 6, 2, 10b; Hs 2:5.—[ὅτι εἷς θεός] καὶ εἷς χριστός AcPl Ha 1, 17; AcPlCor 1:8. π. περί τινος ὅτι believe concerning someone that J 9:18 (M. Ant. 1, 15, 5 πιστεύειν περὶ ὧν λέγοι ὅτι οὕτως φρονεῖ=believe concerning whatever he might say, that it was what he actually thought; Just., D. 10, 1 π. ἡμῶν• ὅτι ἐσθίομεν ἀνθρώπους.—π. περί τινος as Plut., Lyc. 19, 4; Jos., Ant. 14, 267).
    γ. by the acc. and inf. (pres. Pla., Gorg. 524a; PTebt 314, 3 [II A.D.]; 4 Macc 5:25; Jos., C. Ap. 2, 160; Just., A I, 8, 2 al.; Ath. 20, 3) πιστεύω τὸν υἱὸν τοῦ θεοῦ εἶναι τὸν Ἰησοῦν Ac 8:37b.—GMary 463, 8.—IRo 10:2.—By the inf. (Thu 2, 22, 1; Job 15:22; AscIs 2:10 εἰς οὐρανὸν ἀναβῆναι) πιστεύομεν σωθῆναι Ac 15:11 (difft. JNolland, NTS 27, ’80, 112f [inf. of result: ‘we believe (in order) to be saved’]).—By the acc. and ptc. ἐν σαρκὶ αὐτὸν πιστεύω ὄντα I believe that he was in the flesh ISm 3:1.
    δ. by means of the dat. of thing give credence to, believe (Aeschyl., Pers. 786 θεῶν θεσφάτοισιν; Soph., Phil. 1374 τοῖς ἐμοῖς λόγοις, El. 886; Pla., Phd. 88c, Leg. 7, 798d; Polyb. 5, 42, 9; 9, 33, 1; Herodian 7, 5, 5 ἐλπίδι κρείττονι; BGU 674, 6 τῷ λόγῳ; 2 Ch 9:6 τοῖς λόγοις; Ps 105:24; Pr 14:15; Sir 19:15; En 104:13 ταῖς βίβλοις; Philo, Leg. All. 3, 229 τοῖς κενοῖς λογισμοῖς, Virt. 68 the sayings of God; Jos., C. Ap. 2, 286, Ant. 10, 39 τ. λόγοις; Tat. 18, 2 ὕλης οἰκονομία; Ath. 30, 2 ταῖς γοναῖς τοῦ Διό; Iren. 1, 10, 2 [Harv. I 92, 4] ἡ ἐκκλησία … π. τούτοις [sc. κήρυγμα and πίστις]) οὐκ ἐπίστευσας τοῖς λόγοις μου Lk 1:20 (cp. Iambl., ViPyth. 28, 148 περὶ θεῶν μηδὲν θαυμαστὸν ἀπιστεῖν ‘concerning the gods nothing is so marvelous that it should occasion unbelief’). τῇ γραφῇ καὶ τῷ λόγῳ J 2:22. Cp. 4:50; 5:47ab. τοῖς γεγραμμένοις Ac 24:14 (Diod S 16, 52, 7 πιστεύσαντες τοῖς γεγραμμένοις). τῇ ἐπαγγελίᾳ τοῦ θεοῦ 2 Cl 11:1 (Diod S 1, 53, 10 τῇ τοῦ προρρήσει πιστεύειν; 19, 90, 3). τῷ ψεύδει, τῇ ἀληθείᾳ 2 Th 2:11, 12. τῇ καταλαλιᾷ Hm 2:2. τῇ ἀκοῇ ἡμῶν (Is 53:1; cp. Jos., C. Ap. 2, 14 π. ἀκοῇ πρεσβυτέρων) J 12:38; Ro 10:16; 1 Cl 16:3. τοῖς ἔργοις J 10:38b (=their testimony); Hm 6, 2, 10a (that they are good and must be followed).—Pass. ἐπιστεύθη τῷ λόγῳ μου they believed my word Hm 3:3.
    ε. w. prepositional expressions: εἰς Ro 4:18, if εἰς τὸ γενέσθαι αὐτόν here is dependent on ἐπίστευσεν. πιστεύειν εἰς τὴν μαρτυρίαν believe in the witness 1J 5:10c. ὁ Χριστιανισμὸς οὐκ εἰς Ἰουδαϊσμὸν ἐπίστευσεν the Christian way of life/Christianity did not commit itself to the Judean way/Judaism (s. Hdb. ad loc.) I Mg 10:3a; cp. b (Χριστιανισμόν, εἰς ὸ̔ν πᾶσα γλῶσσα πιστεύσασα). On πιστεύειν εἰς τὸ ὄνομά τινος s. 2aβ below. πιστεύετε ἐν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ believe in the gospel (so Ps 105:12 ἐπίστευσαν ἐν τοῖς λόγοις αὐτοῦ. Rather in the sense ‘put one’s trust in’ Sir 32:21 μὴ πιστεύσῃς ἐν ὁδῷ ἀπροσκόπῳ. See B-D-F §187, 6; Rob. 540. ALoisy, Les Évangiles synopt. I 1907, 430; 434; comm.) Mk 1:15 (Hofmann understands it as ‘on the basis of’, Wohlenberg ‘bei’; Lohmeyer is undecided; Dssm. and Mlt. 67f ‘in the sphere of’; s. p. 235). ἐν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ οὐ πιστεύω IPhld 8:2 (s. Bihlmeyer ad loc.).—ἐπί τινι: πιστεύειν ἐπὶ πᾶσιν οἷς ἐλάλησαν οἱ προφῆται Lk 24:25; Ro 9:33 (Is 28:16).
    w. the pers. to whom one gives credence or whom one believes, in the dat. (Demosth. 18, 10; Aristot., Rhet. 2, 14 p. 1390a, 32; Polyb. 15, 26, 6 τοῖς εἰδόσι τὴν ἀλήθειαν; Herodian 2, 1, 10; PHib 72, 18; POxy 898, 29; PTebt 418, 15; Ex 4:1, 5; 3 Km 10:7; 2 Ch 32:15; Tob 2:14; Jer 47:14; JosAs 13:10; Philo, Praem. 49; Just., A I, 33, 5, D 7, 2 al.) τοῖς θεασαμένοις αὐτὸν ἐγηγερμένον οὐκ ἐπίστευσαν they did not believe those who saw him after he was raised from the dead Mk 16:14. Cp. Mt 21:25, 32abc; Mk 11:31; 16:13; Lk 20:5; J 5:46a; Ac 8:12; 26:27a (τ. προφήταις as Jos., Ant. 11, 96); 1J 4:1; Hm 6, 1, 2ab.—Also of Jesus and God whom one believes, in that one accepts their disclosures without doubt or contradiction: Jesus: Mt 27:42 v.l.; J 5:38, 46b; 6:30; 8:45, 46; 10:37, 38a. God: J 5:24; Ro 4:3 (Gen 15:6), 17 κατέναντι οὗ ἐπίστευσεν θεοῦ (= κατέναντι θεοῦ ᾧ ἐπίστευσεν); Gal 3:6; Js 2:23; 1 Cl 10:6 (all three Gen 15:6). ὁ μὴ πιστεύων τῷ θεῷ ψεύστην πεποίηκεν αὐτόν 1J 5:10b. AcPl Ha 3, 7.
    w. pers. and thing added π. τινί τι believe someone with regard to someth. (X., Apol. 15 μηδὲ ταῦτα εἰκῇ πιστεύσητε τῷ θεῷ) Hm 6, 2, 6.—W. dat. of pers. and ὅτι foll. (ApcEsdr 4:35 p. 29, 12 Tdf.): πιστεύετέ μοι ὅτι ἐγὼ ἐν τῷ πατρί J 14:11a. Cp. 4:21; Ac 27:25.
    abs. (in which case the context supplies the obj., etc.; cp. ParJer 7:19 γέγονε δὲ τοῦτο, ἵνα πιστεύσωσιν) ἐάν τις ὑμῖν εἴπῃ• ἰδοὺ ὧδε ὁ Χριστός, μὴ πιστεύσητε do not believe (him or it [the statement]) Mt 24:23; cp. vs. 26; Mk 13:21; Lk 22:67; J 3:12ab; 10:25f; 12:47 v.l.; 14:29; 16:31; 19:35; 20:8, 25; cp. GJs 19:3. J 20:29ab πιστεύσαντες those who have nevertheless believed (it=the fact of the Resurrection); Ac 4:4; 26:27b; 1 Cor 11:18 πιστεύω I believe (it=that there are divisions among you); 15:11; Js 2:19b even the daemons believe this; Jd 5. Pass. καρδίᾳ πιστεύεται with (or in) the heart men believe (it=that Jesus was raised fr. the dead) Ro 10:10.
    believe = let oneself be influenced κατά τινος against someone Pol 6:1.
    πιστεύομαι I am believed, I enjoy confidence (X., An. 7, 6, 33; Diod S 5, 80, 4 τοῖς μάλιστα πιστευομένοις ἐπηκολουθήσαμεν; 17, 32, 1; 1 Km 27:12; Jos., Ant. 10, 114; PGM 12, 279 πιστευθήσῃ=you will be believed) of Eve παρθένος πιστεύεται people believe that she is a virgin Dg 12:8, or perh. a virgin is entrusted (to someone without fear). S. 3 below.
    to entrust oneself to an entity in complete confidence, believe (in), trust, w. implication of total commitment to the one who is trusted. In our lit. God and Christ are objects of this type of faith that relies on their power and nearness to help, in addition to being convinced that their revelations or disclosures are true. The obj. is
    α. in the dat. (cp. Soph., Philoct. 1374 θεοῖς πιστ.; X., Mem. 1, 1, 5; Ps.-Pla., Epinom. 980c πιστεύσας τοῖς θεοῖς εὔχου; Ptolem. Lagi [300 B.C.]: 138 Fgm. 8 Jac.; Maximus Tyr. 3, 8k τῷ Ἀπόλλωνι; Epict., app. E, 10 p. 488 Sch. θεῷ; Himerius, Or. 8 [=23], 18 πῶς Διονύσῳ πιστεύσω; how can I trust D.?; UPZ 144, 12 [164 B.C.] τ. θεοῖς; Jdth 14:10; Wsd 16:26; 4 Macc 7:21 al. in LXX; Philo, Leg. All. 3, 229 πιστεύειν θεῷ, Rer. Div. Her. 92 μόνῳ θεῷ, Op. M. 45, Sacr. Abel. 70 τῷ σωτήρι θεῷ, Abr. 269, Mos. 1, 225, Virt. 216 [on faith in Philo s. Bousset, Rel.3 446ff; EHatch, Essays in Biblical Gk. 1889, 83ff; ASchlatter, D. Glaube im NT4 1927; EBréhier, Les idées philosophiques et religieuses de Philon d’Alexandrie 1908, 21925; HWindisch, Die Frömmigkeit Philos 1909, 23ff; HWolfson, Philo ’47 I, 143–56, esp. II, 215–18; WPeisker, D. Glaubensbegriff bei Philon, diss. ’36]; Jos., Ant. 2, 117; 333; 3, 309; 20, 48, Bell. 3, 387 [s. ASchlatter, D. Theol. d. Judentums nach d. Bericht des Jos. ’32, 104ff]; Just., A I, 18, 6 al.). Some of the passages referred to in 1b above, end, are repeated, since they may be classified here or there w. equal justification. Of God: π. τῷ θεῷ (Orig., C. Cels. 4, 89, 15) Ac 16:34; 13:12 D; Tit 3:8; PtK 4 p. 16, 2; B 16:7; Hm 12, 6, 2; Hs 5, 1, 5. Cp. m 1:2; AcPl Ha 10, 13f. τῷ κυρίῳ (Sir 11:21; 2:8) Hv 4, 2, 6. οἱ πιστεύσαντες τῷ κυρίῳ διὰ τοῦ υἱοῦ αὐτοῦ Hs 9, 13, 5. τῷ θεῷ w. ὅτι foll. m 9:7; cp. Hs 1:7.—Of Christ: Mt 27:42 v.l. (for ἐπʼ αὐτόν); J 6:30 (σοί=vs. 29 εἰς ὸ̔ν ἀπέστειλεν ἐκεῖνος); J 8:31 (αὐτῷ=vs. 30 εἰς αὐτόν, but see Mlt. 67f; JSwetnam argues for a plpf. sense here: Biblica 61, ’80, 106–9); Ac 5:14; 18:8a (both τῷ κυρίῳ); Ro 10:14b (οὗ οὐκ ἤκουσαν = τούτῳ [about equivalent to εἰς τοῦτον; cp. vs. 14a] οὗ οὐκ ἤκ.); 2 Ti 1:12; ITr 9:2; Hs 8, 3, 2.—Pass. be believed in (X., Cyr. 4, 2, 8; 6, 1, 39; Pla., Lach. 181b; Ps.-Demosth. 58, 44 al.; 1 Km 27:12; Just., D. 7, 3; Tat. 10, 2. S. B-D-F §312, 1; also s. Rob. 815f) ἐπιστεύθη ἐν κόσμῳ 1 Ti 3:16.—π. τῷ ὀνόματι τοῦ υἱοῦ believe in the name of the Son, i.e. believe in the Son and accept what his name proclaims him to be 1J 3:23.
    β. w. εἰς (cp. Hippol., Elench. 6, 19, 7 W. οἱ εἰς τὸν Σίμωνα καὶ τὴν Ἑλένην πεπιστευκότες; Just., D. 35, 8 al.) God (BGU 874, 11 π. εἰς τὸν θεόν): J 12:44b; 14:1a (cp. ET 21, 1910, 53–57; 68–70; 138f); 1 Pt 1:21 v.l.=Pol 2:1.—Christ: Mt 18:6; Mk 9:42; J 2:11; 3:15 v.l., 16, 18a, 36; 4:39; 6:29, 35, 40, 47 v.l.; 7:5, 31, 38f, 48; 8:30; 9:35f; 10:42; 11:25, 26a, 45, 48; 12:11, 36 (εἰς τὸ φῶς), 37, 42, 44a, 46; 14:1b, 12; 16:9; 17:20; Ac 10:43; 14:23; 18:8 D; 19:4; Ro 10:14a; Gal 2:16; Phil 1:29; 1 Pt 1:8; 1J 5:10a; AcPlCor 2:31; Hs 8, 3, 2.—εἰς τὸ ὄνομα Ἰησοῦ (or αὐτοῦ, etc.) J 1:12; 2:23; 3:18c; 1J 5:13 (s. ὄνομα 1dβ and s. 2aα above, end). π. εἰς τὸν θάνατον αὐτοῦ ITr 2:1. π. εἰς τὸ αἷμα Χριστοῦ ISm 6:1.
    γ. w. ἐπί and dat., of God Ac 11:17 D. Of Christ: Mt 27:42 v.l.; J 3:15 v.l.; Ro 9:33; 10:11; 1 Pt 2:6 (the last three Is 28:16); 1 Ti 1:16.
    δ. w. ἐπί and acc. (Wsd 12:2; Just., D. 46, 1 al.) of God: Ac 16:34 D; Ro 4:5, 24; PtK 3 p. 15, 12. Of Christ: Mt 27:42; J 3:15 v.l.; Ac 9:42; 11:17; 16:31; 22:19.
    ε. π. ἔν τινι believe in someone (Jer 12:6; Da 6:24 Theod.; Ps 77:22) is questionable in our lit.: in J 3:15 the best rdg. is ἐν αὐτῷ and is prob. to be construed w. ἔχῃ (in J πιστεύω usually takes the prep. εἰς when expressing the obj. of belief, as in 3:16); in Eph 1:13 both occurrences of ἐν ᾧ are prob. to be construed w. ἐσφραγίσθητε (=‘in connection with whom you have been sealed’ [cp. 4:30]); the acts of hearing and believing are coordinate, and πιστεύσαντες, along w. ἀκούσαντες, is used abs. (so REB; less clearly NRSV). But s. 1aε above: π. ἐν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ Mk 1:15; IPhld 8:2.
    not expressed at all (the abs. πιστεύειν in a transcendent sense: Aeschin., In Ctesiph. 1 ἐγὼ πεπιστευκὼς ἥκω πρῶτον τοῖς θεοῖς; Aristot., Rhet. 2, 17, 1391b, 1ff; Plut., Mor. 170f; Porphyr., Ad Marcellam 24 πιστεῦσαι δεῖ, ὅτι [=because] μόνη σωτηρία ἡ πρὸς τὸν θεὸν ἐπιστροφή; Herm. Wr. 9, 10ab ἐπίστευσε καὶ ἐν τῇ καλῇ πίστει ἐπανεπαύσατο; cp. 1, 32 πιστεύω καὶ μαρτυρῶ=PapBerl 9795 [RReitzenstein, Studien z. antiken Synkretismus 1926, p. 161, 2]; Num 20:12; Ps 115:1; Is 7:9; Sir 2:13; 1 Macc 2:59; Philo, Rer. Div. Her. 14; 101, Deus Imm. 4, Mut. Nom. 178; τότε πιστεύσεις θέλων καὶ μὴ θέλων Theoph. Ant. 1, 8 [p. 74, 7]) Mk 15:32; 16:16f; Lk 8:12f; J 1:7, 50; 3:15, 18b; 4:41f, 48, 53; 5:44; 6:36, 47, 64ab, perh. 69 (MEnslin, The Perf. Tense in the Fourth Gosp.: JBL 55, ’36, 121–31, esp. 128); 9:38; 10:26; 11:15, 40; 12:39; 20:31b; Ac 4:4; 8:13, 37a; 11:21; 13:12, 39, 48; 14:1; 15:5, 7; 17:12, 34; 18:8b, 27; 19:2; 21:25; Ro 1:16; 3:22; 4:11; 10:4; 13:11; 15:13; 1 Cor 1:21; 3:5; 15:2; Gal 3:22; Eph 1:13, 19; 1 Th 2:10, 13; Hb 4:3; 1 Pt 2:7; 1 Cl 12:7; 2 Cl 17:3; 20:2; B 9:3; B 11:11; ISm 3:2; Hs 8, 10, 3; 9, 17, 4; 9, 22, 3. τὸ πιστεύειν faith IMg 9:2. ἐν ἀγάπῃ πιστεύειν IPhld 9:2 (ἐν ἀγάπῃ is here used adv.).—Participles in the var. tenses are also used almost subst.: (οἱ) πιστεύοντες (the) believers, (the) Christians (Orig., C. Cels. 1, 13, 34; Did., Gen. 106, 6) Ac 2:44; Ro 3:22; 1 Cor 14:22ab (opp. οἱ ἄπιστοι); 1 Th 1:7; Hs 8, 3, 3. (οἱ) πιστεύσαντες (those) who made their commitment = (those) who became believers, (the) Christians, Ac 2:44 v.l.; 4:32; 2 Th 1:10a; 2 Cl 2:3; Hs 9, 19, 1. οἱ πεπιστευκότες those who became (and remained) believers Ac 19:18; 21:20 (Just., D. 122, 2).—οἱ μέλλοντες πιστεύειν future believers 1 Cl 42:4; Hm 4, 3, 3a. οἱ νῦν πιστεύσαντες those who have just come to believe ibid. 4, 3, 3b.
    A special kind of this faith is the confidence that God or Christ is in a position to help suppliants out of their distress, have confidence (some of the passages already mentioned might just as well be classified here) abs. ὡς ἐπίστευσας γενηθήτω σοι may it be done to you in accordance with the confidence you have Mt 8:13. ὅσα ἂν αἰτήσητε πιστεύοντες whatever you pray for with confidence 21:22. Cp. Mk 5:36; 9:23f; Lk 8:50; 2 Cor 4:13a (Ps 115:1), b. W. ὅτι foll.: πιστεύετε ὅτι δύναμαι τοῦτο ποιῆσαι; do you have confidence that I am able to do this? Mt 9:28.—Mk 11:23.
    entrust τινί τι someth. to someone (X., Mem. 4, 4, 17; Plut., Mor. 519e; Athen. 8, 341a; Lucian, Dial. Deor. 25, 1; SIG2 845, 7, see for numerous other examples index VI p. 384b. Cp. Wsd 14:5; 1 Macc 8:16; 4 Macc 4:7; TestJob 11:11; Jos., Bell. 4, 492; Hippol., Ref. 9, 12, 6) τὸ ἀληθινὸν τίς ὑμῖν πιστεύσει; Lk 16:11. αὐτῷ τοσούτων πιστευο̣μ̣έ̣ν̣ω̣ν̣ since so many (or so much) were ( was) entrusted to him AcPl Ha 7, 21 (connection uncertain). αὐτόν (so N. and Tdf.; v.l. ἑαυτόν) τινι trust oneself to someone (Brutus, Ep. 25; Plut., Mor. 181d ἀνδρὶ μᾶλλον ἀγαθῷ πιστεύσας ἑαυτὸν ἢ ὀχυρῷ τόπῳ=entrusting himself to a good man rather than to a stronghold; EpArist 270; Jos., Ant. 12, 396) J 2:24 (EStauffer, CDodd Festschr., ’56, 281–99.—Diod S 34 + 35 Fgm. 39a οὐ τοῖς τυχοῦσι φίλοις ἑαυτὸν ἐπίστευσεν=he did not trust himself to casual friends).—Pass. πιστεύομαί τι (B-D-F §159, 4) I am entrusted with someth. (Pla., Ep. 1, 309a; Polyb. 8, 17, 5; 31, 26, 7; Diod S 20, 19, 2; Appian, Bell. Civ. 2, 136 §568 ἃ ἐπιστεύθην; ins; pap [e.g. PLond I, 121, 608 p. 203]; Jos., Bell. 5, 567, Vi. 137; Ath. 24, 3. Cp. Esth 8:12e.—Dssm., LO 320f [LAE 379]). ἐπιστεύθησαν τὰ λόγια τοῦ θεοῦ Ro 3:2. πεπίστευμαι τὸ εὐαγγέλιον Gal 2:7 (PGM 13, 140 ὁ ὑπό σου πάντα πιστευθείς; 446); cp. 1 Th 2:4; 1 Ti 1:11.—Tit 1:3. οἰκονομίαν πεπίστευμαι 1 Cor 9:17; cp. Dg 7:1. S. also 7:2; IMg 6:1; IPhld 9:1ab. πιστεύομαί τι παρά τινος I am entrusted by someone with someth. (Polyb. 3, 69, 1; Jos., Bell. 1, 667): οἱ πιστευθέντες παρὰ θεοῦ ἔργον τοιοῦτο 1 Cl 43:1.
    be confident about, a unique use found in ὸ̔ς μὲν πιστεύει φαγεῖν πάντα, someth. like the one is confident about eating anything Ro 14:2 (a combination of two ideas: ‘the pers. is so strong in the faith’ and: ‘the pers. is convinced that it is permissible to eat anything’; in brief: not cultically fussy. See Ltzm., Hdb. ad loc.; but also B-D-F §397, 2). Another probability is the sense
    think/consider (possible), in Ro 14:2 perh. holds everything possible; cp. J 9:18 οὐκ ἐπίστευσαν they refused to entertain the possibility, and Ac 9:26. S. 4 above.—For lit. s. πίστις, end. DELG s.v. πείθομαι. M-M. EDNT. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > πιστεύω

  • 18 ἀπό

    ἀπό (Hom.+) prep. w. gen. (see the lit. on ἀνά, beg., also for ἀπό: KDieterich, IndogF 24, 1909, 93–158; LfgrE s.v.). Basic sense ‘separation from’ someone or someth., fr. which the other uses have developed. In the NT it has encroached on the domain of Att. ἐκ, ὑπό, παρά, and the gen. of separation; s. Mlt. 102; 246; Mlt-Turner 258f.
    a marker to indicate separation from a place, whether person or thing, from, away from
    w. all verbs denoting motion, esp. those compounded w. ἀπό: ἀπάγεσθαι, ἀπαλλάσσεσθαι, ἀπελαύνειν, ἀπέρχεσθαι, ἀπολύεσθαι, ἀποπλανᾶσθαι, ἀποστέλλειν, ἀποφεύγειν, ἀποχωρεῖν, ἀποχωρίζεσθαι; but also w. ἀνίστασθαι, διαστῆναι, διέρχεσθαι, ἐκδημεῖν, ἐκκινεῖν, ἐκπλεῖν, ἐκπορεύεσθαι, ἐξέρχεσθαι, ἐξωθεῖν, ἐπιδιδόναι, μεταβαίνειν, μετατίθεσθαι, νοσφίζειν, παραγίνεσθαι, πλανᾶσθαι, πορεύεσθαι, ὑπάγειν, ὑποστρέφειν, φεύγειν; s. the entries in question.
    w. all verbs expressing the idea of separation ἐκβάλλειν τὸ κάρφος ἀ. τοῦ ὀφθαλμοῦ remove the splinter fr. the eye Mt 7:4 v.l. (for ἐκ). ἐξέβαλον ἀπὸ τῆς πήρας αὐτῶν δῶρα they set forth gifts out of their travel bags GJs 21:3. ἀπολύεσθαι ἀ. ἀνδρός be divorced fr. her husband Lk 16:18, cp. Ac 15:33. ἀποκυλίειν, ἀπολαμβάνεσθαι, ἀποστρέφειν, ἐπιστρέφεσθαι, ἐπανάγειν, αἴρειν, ἀφαιρεῖν, ἀπολέσθαι, μερίζειν et al., s. the pertinent entries. So also κενὸς ἀ. τινος Hs 9, 19, 2. ἔρημος ἀ. τινος (Jer 51:2) 2 Cl 2:3. W. verbs which express the concept of separation in the wider sense, like loose, free, acquit et al. ἀπορφανίζειν, ἀποσπᾶν, διεγείρεσθαι, δικαιοῦν, ἐκδικοῦν, ἐλευθεροῦν, λούειν, λύειν, λυτροῦν, ῥαντίζειν, σαλεύειν, στέλλειν, σῴζειν, φθείρειν, s. the entries; hence also ἀθῷος (Sus 46 Theod. v.l.) Mt 27:24. καθαρὸς ἀ. τινος (Tob 3:14; but s. Dssm. NB 24 [BS 196; 216]) Ac 20:26; cp. Kuhring 54.
    verbs meaning be on guard, be ashamed, etc., take ἀπό to express the occasion or object of their caution, shame, or fear; so αἰσχύνεσθαι, βλέπειν, μετανοεῖν, προσέχειν, φοβεῖσθαι, φυλάσσειν, φυλάσσεσθαι; s. 5 below.
    w. verbs of concealing, hiding, hindering, the pers. from whom someth. is concealed is found w. ἀπό; so κρύπτειν τι ἀπό τινος, παρακαλύπτειν τι ἀπό τινος, κωλύειν τι ἀπό τινος; s. the entries.
    in pregnant constr. like ἀνάθεμα εἶναι ἀ. τοῦ Χριστοῦ be separated fr. Christ by a curse Ro 9:3. μετανοεῖν ἀ. τ. κακίας (Jer 8:6) Ac 8:22. ἀποθνῄσκειν ἀ. τινος through death become free from Col 2:20. φθείρεσθαι ἀ. τ. ἁπλότητος be ruinously diverted from wholehearted commitment 2 Cor 11:3. Cp. Hs 6, 2, 4.
    as a substitute for the partitive gen. (Hdt. 6, 27, 2; Thu. 7, 87, 6; PPetr III, 11, 20; PIand 8, 6; Kuhring 20; Rossberg 22; Johannessohn, Präp. 17) τίνα ἀ. τῶν δύο; Mt 27:21, cp. Lk 9:38; 19:39 (like PTebt 299, 13; 1 Macc 1:13; 3:24; Sir 6:6; 46:8). τὰ ἀ. τοῦ πλοίου pieces of the ship Ac 27:44. ἐκχεῶ ἀ. τοῦ πνεύματός μου Ac 2:17f (Jo 3:1f). λαμβάνειν ἀ. τ. καρπῶν get a share of the vintage Mk 12:2 (cp. Just., A I, 65, 5 μεταλαβεῖν ἀπὸ τοῦ … ἄρτου).—Of foods (as in Da 1:13, 4:33a; 2 Macc 7:1) ἐσθίειν ἀ. τ. ψιχίων eat some of the crumbs Mt 15:27; Mk 7:28. χορτάζεσθαι ἀ. τινος eat one’s fill of someth. Lk 16:21. αἴρειν ἀ. τῶν ἰχθύων pick up the remnants of the fish Mk 6:43. ἐνέγκατε ἀ. τ. ὀψαρίων bring some of the fish J 21:10 (the only instance of this usage in J; s. M-EBoismard, Le chapitre 21 de Saint Jean: RB 54 [’47] 492).—Of drink (cp. Sir 26:12) πίνειν ἀπὸ τ. γενήματος τῆς ἀμπέλου drink the product of the vine Lk 22:18.
    to indicate the point from which someth. begins, whether lit. or fig.
    of place from, out from (Just., D. 86, 1 ἀπὸ τῆς πέτρας ὕδωρ ἀναβλύσαν ‘gushing out of the rock’) σημεῖον ἀ. τ. οὐρανοῦ a sign fr. heaven Mk 8:11. ἀ. πόλεως εἰς πόλιν from one city to another Mt 23:34. ἀπʼ ἄκρων οὐρανῶν ἕως ἄκρων αὐτῶν (Dt 30:4; Ps 18:7) from one end of heaven to the other 24:31, cp. Mk 13:27. ἀπʼ ἄνωθεν ἕως κάτω from top to bottom Mt 27:51. ἀρξάμενοι ἀ. Ἰερουσαλήμ beginning in Jerusalem Lk 24:47 (s. also Lk 23:5; Ac 1:22; 10:37). ἀφʼ ὑμῶν ἐξήχηται ὁ λόγος τ. κυρίου the word of the Lord has gone out from you and sounded forth 1 Th 1:8. ἀπὸ βορρᾶ, ἀπὸ νότου in the north, in the south (PCairGoodsp 6, 5 [129 B.C.] ἐν τῷ ἀπὸ νότου πεδίῳ; Mitt-Wilck. I/2, 11A col. 1, 12f [123 B.C.] τὸ ἀπὸ νότου τῆς πόλεως χῶμα; ln. 7 ἀπὸ βορρᾶ τῆς πόλεως; 70, 16 al.; Josh 18:5; 19:34; 1 Km 14:5) Rv 21:13.
    of time from … (on), since (POxy 523, 4; Mel., HE 4, 26, 8; s. Kuhring 54ff).
    α. ἀ. τῶν ἡμερῶν Ἰωάννου from the days of John Mt 11:12. ἀ. τῆς ὥρας ἐκείνης 9:22. ἀπʼ ἐκείνης τ. ἡμέρας (Jos., Bell. 4, 318, Ant. 7, 382) Mt 22:46; J 11:53. ἔτη ἑπτὰ ἀ. τῆς παρθενίας αὐτῆς for seven years fr. the time she was a virgin Lk 2:36. ἀ. ἐτῶν δώδεκα for 12 years 8:43. ἀ. τρίτης ὥρας τῆς νυκτός Ac 23:23. ἀ. κτίσεως κόσμου Ro 1:20. ἀ. πέρυσι since last year, a year ago 2 Cor 8:10; 9:2.—ἀπʼ αἰῶνος, ἀπʼ ἀρχῆς, ἀπʼ ἄρτι (also ἀπαρτί and ἄρτι), ἀπὸ καταβολῆς κόσμου, ἀπὸ τότε, ἀπὸ τοῦ νῦν; s. the pertinent entries.
    β. w. the limits defined, forward and backward: ἀπὸ … ἕως (Jos., Ant. 6, 364) Mt 27:45. ἀπὸ … ἄχρι Phil 1:5. ἀπὸ … μέχρι Ac 10:30; Ro 5:14; 15:19.
    γ. ἀφʼ ἧς (sc. ὥρας or ἡμέρας, which is found Col 1:6, 9; but ἀφʼ ἧς became a fixed formula: ParJer 7:28; Plut., Pelop. [285] 15, 5; s. B-D-F §241, 2) since Lk 7:45 (Renehan ’75, 36f); Ac 24:11; 2 Pt 3:4 (cp. X., Hell. 4, 6, 6; 1 Macc 1:11). ἀφʼ οὗ (sc.—as in X., Cyr. 1, 2, 13—χρόνου; Att. ins in Meisterhans.3-Schw. and s. Witkowski, index 163; ἀφʼ οὗ is also a formula) since, when once (X., Symp. 4, 62; Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 1, 16 Jac.; Lucian, Dial. Mar. 15, 1; Ex 5:23 GrBar 3:6) Lk 13:25; 24:21; Rv 16:18 (cp. Da 12:1; 1 Macc 9:29; 16:24; 2 Macc 1:7; TestAbr B 13 p. 117, 23; GrBar; Jos., Ant. 4, 78). τρία ἔτη ἀφʼ οὗ (cp. Tob 5:35 S) Lk 13:7. ἀφότε s. ὅτε 1aγ end.
    the beg. of a series from … (on).
    α. ἀρξάμενος ἀ. Μωϋσέως καὶ ἀ. πάντων τ. προφητῶν beginning w. Moses and all the prophets Lk 24:27. ἕβδομος ἀ. Ἀδάμ Jd 14 (Diod S 1, 50, 3 ὄγδοος ὁ ἀπὸ τοῦ πατρός [ancestor]; Appian, Mithrid. 9 §29 τὸν ἕκτον ἀπὸ τοῦ πρώτου Μιθριδάτην; Arrian, Anab. 7, 12, 4; Diog. L. 3, 1: Plato in the line of descent was ἕκτος ἀπὸ Σόλωνος; Biogr. p. 31: Homer δέκατος ἀπὸ Μουσαίου). ἀ. διετοῦς καὶ κατωτέρω Mt 2:16 (cp. Num 1:20; 2 Esdr 3:8).
    β. w. both beg. and end given ἀπὸ … ἕως (Sir 18:26; 1 Macc 9:13) Mt 1:17; 23:35; Ac 8:10. Sim., ἀ. δόξης εἰς δόξαν fr. glory to glory 2 Cor 3:18.
    to indicate origin or source, from
    lit., with verbs of motion
    α. down from πίπτειν ἀ. τραπέζης Mt 15:27. καθεῖλεν δυνάστας ἀ. θρόνων God has dethroned rulers Lk 1:52.
    β. from ἔρχεσθαι ἀ. θεοῦ J 3:2; cp. 13:3; 16:30. παραγίνεται ἀ. τῆς Γαλιλαίας Mt 3:13; ἀ. ἀνατολῶν ἥξουσιν 8:11 (Is 49:12; 59:19); ἀ. τοῦ ἱεροῦ ἐπορεύετο 24:1; ἀ. Παμφυλίας Ac 15:38. ἐγείρεσθαι ἀ. τ. νεκρῶν be raised from the dead Mt 14:2.
    lit., to indicate someone’s local origin from (Hom. et al.; Soph., El. 701; Hdt. 8, 114; ins [RevArch 4 sér. IV 1904 p. 9 ἀπὸ Θεσσαλονίκης]; pap [HBraunert, Binnenwanderung ’64, 384, s.v.; PFlor 14, 2; 15, 5; 17, 4; 22, 13 al.]; Judg 12:8; 13:2; 17:1 [all three acc. to B]; 2 Km 23:20 al.; Jos., Bell. 3, 422, Vi. 217; Just., A I, 1 τῶν ἀπὸ Φλαουί̈ας Νέας πόλεως; s. B-D-F §209, 3; Rob. 578) ἦν ἀ. Βηθσαϊδά he was from B. J 1:44; cp. 12:21. ὄχλοι ἀ. τῆς Γαλιλαίας crowds fr. Galilee Mt 4:25. ἄνδρες ἀ. παντὸς ἔθνους Ac 2:5. ἀνὴρ ἀ. τοῦ ὄχλου a man fr. the crowd Lk 9:38. ὁ προφήτης ὁ ἀ. Ναζαρέθ Mt 21:11. οἱ ἀ. Κιλικίας the Cilicians Ac 6:9. οἱ ἀδελφοὶ οἱ ἀ. Ἰόππης 10:23 (Musaeus 153 παρθένος ἀπʼ Ἀρκαδίας; Just., A I, 58, 1 Μακρίωνα … τὸν ἀπὸ Πόντου). οἱ ἀ. Θεσσαλονίκης Ἰουδαῖοι 17:13. οἱ ἀ. τῆς Ἰταλίας the Italians Hb 13:24, who could be inside as well as outside Italy (cp. Dssm., Her. 33, 1898, 344, LO 167, 1 [LAE 200, 3]; Mlt. 237; B-D-F §437).—Rather denoting close association οἱ ἀ. τῆς ἐκκλησίας members of the church Ac 12:1; likew. 15:5 (cp. Plut., Cato Min. 4, 2 οἱ ἀπὸ τ. στοᾶς φιλόσοφοι; Ps.-Demetr. c. 68 οἱ ἀπʼ αὐτοῦ=his [Isocrates’] pupils; Synes., Ep. 4 p. 162b; 66 p. 206c; PTebt 33, 3 [112 B.C.], Ῥωμαῖος τῶν ἀπὸ συγκλήτου; Ar. 15, 1 Χριστιανοὶ γενεαλογοῦνται ἀπὸ … Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ; Ath.).—To indicate origin in the sense of material fr. which someth. is made (Hdt. 7, 65; Theocr. 15, 117; IPriene 117, 72 ἀπὸ χρυσοῦ; 1 Esdr 8:56; Sir 43:20 v.l.) ἔνδυμα ἀ. τριχῶν καμήλου clothing made of camel’s hair Mt 3:4.
    fig., w. verbs of asking, desiring, to denote the pers. of or from whom a thing is asked (Ar. 11, 3): δανίσασθαι ἀπό τινος borrow fr. someone Mt 5:42. ἐκζητεῖν ἀ. τῆς γενεᾶς ταύτης Lk 11:51. ἀπαιτεῖν τι ἀπό τινος Lk 12:20. ζητεῖν τι ἀπό τινος 1 Th 2:6. λαμβάνειν τι ἀπό τινος Mt 17:25f; 3J 7.
    fig., w. verbs of perceiving, to indicate source of the perception (Lysias, Andoc. 6; Ps.-Aristot., De Mundo 6, 399b ἀπʼ αὐτῶν τῶν ἔργων θεωρεῖται ὁ θεός; Appian, Liby. 104 §493 ἀπὸ τῆς σφραγῖδος=[recognize a corpse] by the seal-ring; Demetr.: 722 Fgm. 2, 1 στοχάζεσθαι ἀπὸ τῶν ὀνομάτων; Just., D. 60, 1 τοῦτο νοοῦμεν ἀπὸ τῶν λόγων τῶν προλελεγμένων; 100, 2 ἀπὸ τῶν γραφῶν): ἀ. τῶν καρπῶν αὐτῶν ἐπιγνώσεσθε αὐτούς by their fruits you will know them Mt 7:16, 20. μανθάνειν παραβολὴν ἀ. τῆς συκῆς learn a lesson from the fig tree 24:32; Mk 13:28. ἀπὸ τῶν σπερμάτων μὴ ποιεῖσθαι τὴν παραβολήν if we are not to derive our parable solely from reference to seeds (cp. 1 Cor 15:37) AcPlCor 2:28.—Also μανθάνειν τι ἀπό τινος learn someth. fr. someone Gal 3:2; Col 1:7.
    γράψαι ἀφʼ ὧν ἠδυνήθην, lit., write from what I was able, i.e. as well as I could B 21:9 (cp. Tat. 12, 5 οὐκ ἀπὸ γλώττης οὐδὲ ἀπὸ τῶν εἰκότων οὐδὲ ἀπʼ ἐννοιῶν etc.).
    to indicate distance fr. a point, away from, for μακρὰν ἀ. τινος far fr. someone, ἀπὸ μακρόθεν fr. a great distance s. μακράν, μακρόθεν. ἀπέχειν ἀπό τινος s. ἀπέχω 4. W. detailed measurements (corresp. to Lat. ‘a’, s. B-D-F §161, 1; Rob. 575; WSchulze, Graeca Latina 1901, 15ff; Hdb. on J 11:18; Appian, Bell. Civ. 3, 12 §42; CB I/2, 390 no. 248) ἦν Βηθανία ἐγγὺς τῶν Ἱεροσολύμων ὡς ἀπὸ σταδίων δεκατέντε Bethany was near Jerusalem, about 15 stades (less than 3 km.) away J 11:18. ὡς ἀπὸ πηχῶν διακοσίων about 200 cubits (c. 90 meters) 21:8. ἀπὸ σταδίων χιλίων ἑξακοσίων about 1600 stades (c. 320 km.) Rv 14:20; cp. Hv 4, 1, 5 (for other examples of this usage, s. Rydbeck 68).—Hebraistically ἀπὸ προσώπου τινός (Gen 16:6; Jer 4:26; Jdth 2:14; Sir 21:2; 1 Macc 5:34; En 103:4; Just., A I, 37, 1 ἀπὸ προσώπου τοῦ πατρὸς ἐλέχθησαν διὰ Ἠσαίου … οἵδε οἱ λόγοι ‘in the name of the father … through Isaiah’; 38, 1 al.)=מִפְּנֵי פ׳ ( away) from the presence of someone 2 Th 1:9 (Is 2:10, 19, 21); Rv 12:14 (B-D-F §140; 217, 1; Mlt-H. 466).
    to indicate cause, means, or outcome
    gener., to show the reason for someth. because of, as a result of, for (numerous ref. in FBleek on Hb 5:7; PFay 111, 4; POxy 3314, 7 [from falling off a horse]; Jdth 2:20; 4 [6] Esdr [POxy 1010]; AscIs 3:13; Jos., Ant. 9, 56) οὐκ ἠδύνατο ἀ. τοῦ ὄχλου he could not because of the crowd Lk 19:3; cp. Mk 2:4 D. οὐκ ἐνέβλεπον ἀπὸ τῆς δόξης τοῦ φωτός I could not see because of the brilliance of the light Ac 22:11. ἀ. τοῦ πλήθους τ. ἰχθύων J 21:6 (M-EBoismard, ad loc.: s. 1f end). ἀ. τοῦ ὕδατος for the water Hs 8, 2, 8. ἀ. τῆς θλίψεως because of the persecution Ac 11:19. οὐαὶ τῷ κόσμῳ ἀ. τ. σκανδάλων Mt 18:7 (s. B-D-F §176, 1; Mlt. 246). εἰσακουσθεὶς ἀ. τῆς εὐλαβείας heard because of his piety Hb 5:7 (but the text may be corrupt; at any rate it is obscure and variously interpr.; besides the comm. s. KRomaniuk, Die Gottesfürchtigen im NT: Aegyptus 44, ’64, 84; B-D-F §211; Rob. 580; s. on εὐλάβεια).
    to indicate means with the help of, with (Hdt. et al.; Ael. Aristid. 37, 23 K.=2 p. 25 D.; PGM 4, 2128f σφράγιζε ἀπὸ ῥύπου=seal with dirt; En 97:8) γεμίσαι τὴν κοιλίαν ἀ. τ. κερατίων fill one’s stomach w. the husks Lk 15:16 v.l. (s. ἐκ 4aζ; cp. Pr 18:20). οἱ πλουτήσαντες ἀπʼ αὐτῆς Rv 18:15 (cp. Sir 11:18).
    to indicate motive or reason for, from, with (Appian, Bell. Civ. 5, 13 §52 ἀπʼ εὐνοίας=with goodwill; 1 Macc 6:10; pap exx. in Kuhring 35) κοιμᾶσθαι ἀ. τῆς λύπης sleep from sorrow Lk 22:45. ἀ. τῆς χαρᾶς αὐτοῦ Mt 13:44; cp. Lk 24:41; Ac 12:14. ἀ. τοῦ φόβου κράζειν Mt 14:26, ἀ. φόβου καὶ προσδοκίας with fear and expectation Lk 21:26. Hence verbs of fearing, etc., take ἀ. to show the cause of the fear (s. above 1c) μὴ φοβεῖσθαι ἀ. τ. ἀποκτεννόντων τὸ σῶμα not be afraid of those who kill only the body Mt 10:28; Lk 12:4 (cp. Jdth 5:23; 1 Macc 2:62; 3:22; 8:12; En 106:4).
    to indicate the originator of the action denoted by the verb from (Trag., Hdt. et al.) ἀ. σοῦ σημεῖον ἰδεῖν Mt 12:38. γινώσκειν ἀπό τινος learn fr. someone Mk 15:45. ἀκούειν ἀ. τοῦ στόματός τινος hear fr. someone’s mouth, i.e. fr. him personally Lk 22:71 (Dionys. Hal. 3, 8 ἀ. στόματος ἤκουσεν); cp. Ac 9:13; 1J 1:5. τὴν ἀ. σοῦ ἐπαγγελίαν a promise given by you Ac 23:21 (cp. Ath. 2, 3 ταῖς ἀπὸ τῶν κατηγόρων αἰτίαις ‘the charges made by the accusers’). ἀφʼ ἑνὸς ἐγενήθησαν Hb 11:12. Prob. παραλαμβάνειν ἀ. τοῦ κυρίου 1 Cor 11:23 is to be understood in the same way: Paul is convinced that he is taught by the Lord himself (for direct teaching s. EBröse, Die Präp. ἀπό 1 Cor 11:23: StKr 71, 1898, 351–60; Dssm.; BWeiss; Ltzm.; H-DWendland. But for indirect communication: Zahn et al.). παραλαβὼν ἀπὸ τῶν θυγατέρων Φιλίππου, ὅτι Papias (11:2); opp. παρειληφέναι ὑπὸ τῶν θ. Φ. (2:9).—Of the more remote cause ἀπʼ ἀνθρώπων from human beings (as opposed to transcendent revelation; w. διʼ ἀνθρώπου; cp. Artem. 1, 73 p. 66, 11 ἀπὸ γυναικῶν ἢ διὰ γυναικῶν; 2, 36 p. 135, 26) Gal 1:1. ἀ. κυρίου πνεύματος fr. the Lord, who is the Spirit 2 Cor 3:18. ἔχειν τι ἀπό τινος have (received) someth. fr. someone 1 Cor 6:19; 1 Ti 3:7; 1J 2:20; 4:21.—In salutation formulas εἰρήνη ἀ. θεοῦ πατρός ἡμῶν peace that comes from God, our father Ro 1:7; 1 Cor 1:3; 2 Cor 1:2; Gal 1:3; Eph 1:2; cp. 6:23; Phil 1:2; Col 1:2; 1 Th 1:1 v.l.; 2 Th 1:2; 1 Ti 1:2; 2 Ti 1:2; Tit 1:4; Phlm 3. σοφία ἀ. θεοῦ wisdom that comes fr. God 1 Cor 1:30. ἔπαινος ἀ. θεοῦ praise fr. God 4:5. καὶ τοῦτο ἀ. θεοῦ and that brought about by God Phil 1:28. The expr. εἰρήνη ἀπὸ ‘ὁ ὢν καὶ ὁ ἦν καὶ ὁ ἐρχόμενος’ Rv 1:4 is quite extraordinary. It may be an interpretation of the name Yahweh already current, or an attempt to show reverence for the divine name by preserving it unchanged, or simply one more of the grammatical peculiarities so frequent in Rv (Meyer6-Bousset 1906, 159ff; Mlt. 9, note 1; cp. PParis 51, 33 ἀπὸ ἀπηλιότης; Mussies 93f, 328).
    to indicate responsible agents for someth., from, of
    α. the self, st. Gk. usage (Thu. 5, 60, 1; X., Mem. 2, 10, 3; Andoc., Orat. 2, 4 οὗτοι οὐκ ἀφʼ αὑτῶν ταῦτα πράττουσιν; Diod S 17, 56; Num 16:28; 4 Macc 11:3; En 98:4; TestAbr A 15 p. 95, 26 [Stone p. 38]; 18 p. 101, 6 [Stone p. 50]; Just., A I, 43, 8) the expr. ἀφʼ ἑαυτοῦ (pl. ἀφʼ ἑαυτῶν) of himself and ἀπʼ ἐμαυτοῦ of myself are common Lk 12:57; 21:30; 2 Cor 3:5, esp. so in J: 5:19, 30; 8:28; 10:18; 15:4.—7:17f; 11:51; 14:10; 16:13; 18:34. So also ἀπʼ ἐμαυτοῦ οὐκ ἐλήλυθα I did not come of myself (opp. the Father sent me) 7:28; 8:42.
    β. fr. others. W. verbs in the pass. voice or pass. mng. ὑπό is somet. replaced by ἀπό (in isolated cases in older Gk. e.g. Thu. 1, 17 et al. [Kühner-G. II/1 p. 457f]; freq. in later Gk.: Polyb. 1, 79, 14; Hero I 152, 6; 388, 11; Nicol. Dam.: 90 Fgm. 130, 130 Jac.; IG XII/5, 29, 1; SIG 820, 9; PLond III, 1173, 12 p. 208; BGU 1185, 26; PFlor 150, 6 ἀ. τῶν μυῶν κατεσθιόμενα; PGM 4, 256; Kuhring 36f; 1 Macc 15:17; Sir 16:4; ParJer 1:1 ᾐχμαλωτεύθησαν … ἀπὸ τοῦ βασιλέως; Philo, Leg. All. 3, 62; Just., A I, 68, 6 ἐπιστολὴν … γραφεῖσάν μοι ἀπὸ Σερήνου, D. 121, 3 ἀπὸ παντὸς [γένους] μετάνοιαν πεποιῆσθαι. See B-D-F §210; Rob. 820; GHatzidakis, Einl. in d. neugriech. Gramm. 1892, 211; AJannaris, An Histor. Gk. Grammar 1897, §1507). Yet just at this point the textual tradition varies considerably, and the choice of prep. is prob. at times influenced by the wish to express special nuances of mng. Lk 8:29b v.l. (ὑπό text); 43b (ὑπό v.l.); 10:22 D; ἀποδεδειγμένος ἀ. τ. θεοῦ attested by God Ac 2:22. ἐπικληθεὶς Βαρναβᾶς ἀ. (ὑπό v.l.) τ. ἀποστόλων named B. by the apostles 4:36. κατενεχθεὶς ἀ. τοῦ ὕπνου overcome by sleep 20:9. ἀθετούμενος ἀπὸ τῶν παραχαρασσόντων τὰ λόγια αὐτοῦ inasmuch as (Jesus) is being rejected by those who falsify his words AcPlCor 2:3. νεκροῦ βληθέντος ἀπὸ τῶν υἱῶν Ἰσραὴλ ἐπʼ αὐτά when a corpse was cast upon them (the bones of Elisha) 2:32. In such cases ἀπό freq. denotes the one who indirectly originates an action, and can be transl. at the hands of, by command of: πολλὰ παθεῖν ἀ. τ. πρεσβυτέρων suffer much at the hands of the elders Mt 16:21; cp. Lk 9:22; 17:25, where the emphasis is to be placed on παθεῖν, not on ἀποδοκιμασθῆναι. In ἀ. θεοῦ πειράζομαι the thought is that the temptation is caused by God, though not actually carried out by God Js 1:13. ἡτοιμασμένος ἀ. τοῦ θεοῦ prepared by God’s command, not by God in person Rv 12:6.
    In a few expr. ἀπό helps to take the place of an adverb. ἀπὸ μέρους, s. μέρος 1c.—ἡμέρᾳ ἀφʼ ἡμέρας day by day GJs 12:3.—ἀπὸ μιᾶς (acc. to Wlh., Einl.2 26, an Aramaism, min ḥădā˒=at once [s. MBlack, An Aramaic Approach3, ’67, 113]; but this does not explain the fem. gender, found also in the formulaic ἐπὶ μιᾶς Maxim. Tyr. 6, 3f En 99:9 [s. SAalen, NTS 13, ’67, 3] and in Mod. Gk. μὲ μιᾶς at once [Thumb §162 note 2]. PSI 286, 22 uses ἀπὸ μιᾶς of a payment made ‘at once’; on the phrase s. New Docs 2, 189. Orig. γνώμης might have been a part of the expr. [Philo, Spec. Leg. 3, 73], or ὁρμῆς [Thu. 7, 71, 6], or γλώσσης [Cass. Dio 44, 36, 2], or φωνῆς [Herodian 1, 4, 8]; cp. ἀπὸ μιᾶς φωνῆς Plut., Mor. 502d of an echo; s. B-D-F §241, 6) unanimously, alike, in concert Lk 14:18. Sim. ἀπὸ τ. καρδιῶν fr. (your) hearts, sincerely Mt 18:35.—Himerius, Or. 39 [=Or. 5], 6 has as a formula διὰ μιᾶς, probably = continuously, uninterruptedly, Or. 44 [=Or. 8], 2 fuller διὰ μιᾶς τῆς σπουδῆς=with one and the same, or with quite similar zeal.—M-M.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἀπό

  • 19 resucitar de entre los muertos

    • be raised from the dead
    • return expectations
    • return game
    • rise early
    • rise from the crowd
    • rise from the dead
    • rise from the gutter

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > resucitar de entre los muertos

  • 20 རོ་ལངས་

    [ro langs]
    soul of the dead roving on earth, spirit, goblin that occupies a dead body, walking dead, raised from the dead

    Tibetan-English dictionary > རོ་ལངས་

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